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Posts posted by UberSauce

  1. ok so for the most part we keep going back to ideas for new factions for a possible expansiom or patches

    so to recap into one helpful list for the very busy and caring directors and developers and the community





    -Very Early Spanish

    -other Germaninc tribes







    -Late Rome

    ok and a few new interesting features for a possible expansion or patches


    -flooding rivers

    -units on walls

    -capture buildings/units

    -stealth in forest and enviroments

    -units do not have health or hit count but instead die in one fatal hit(realistic ancient warfare, makes tactical planning a must but may need new animations for units in combat)

    -unit formations(thats probaly already in the game though)

    -fog of war

    -terrace farming(goes with mountainous maps)

    lastly new map ideas


    -Asian maps

    -mountainous maps(goes with terrace farming)

    -jungle like maps

    -desert maps

    -steppe maps

    -and of course one huge map for each earth enviroment that has both all sea and land features

    hope this helped everyone

  2. @ Kimball

    i did not think that having biblical factions would affend peolpe but thinking about it i see your right and i thank you for enlightning me about the possible issue

    and not to add to your already big list of "to does"

    i would really be gratefull if you could but togethor a little preview video

    just a suggestion for all us fans ;)


  3. !In fact now that i think of it!

    if Wild Fire Games were to make a expansion or some sort of civilization bonus pack download thing then i think they should do it on Biblical nations!

    Such as.....

    Israel and Judea(Jews)




    i think this would just kick butt!

  4. yes i think you could with their underdog like backstory but i will say that in overall power and conquest terms they are not as high ranked as say the romans and if it is not in the final version i think the jews would make a killer patch or update or expansion

  5. hello everyone

    I have read I all can on this game and it seems to have awesome potential and the fact that these designers/developers are volunteers is aweinspiring to game fanatics and developers alike. i have also never played the pre alpha(waiting for finished version).

    the only thing I would suggest is to have Jews as a Civilization. the reason I say this is because they are a huge part of this time period and they are realtivly up todate with culture and tech at the games time period (because of all the times they have been conquered). I also suggest this because every other game thats focusses on ancient and classical civilizations such as yours have all the big factions but the jews. in my opinion they are big enough to be a faction but just small enough to be theft in the shadows of all the others. thus making your game to be one of very few to use the Jews


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