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Confederate Cavalry

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Posts posted by Confederate Cavalry

  1. Yes I believe in Aliens. I do not, however, believe in UFO's. Why? Well, why would they visit the Earth? Theres not much here. Were also on the edge of the Galexy. Not exactly in the Middle of excitement are we?

  2. Ok, the bottum line for guns is. We Americans don't care what you Europeans and Canadians think about our owning guns. It;s my right to have guns and if the Government wants to take them, they'll have to pry them from my cold dead fingers. Because there WILL be a new Civil War if they tried. :axeman:

    About the US civil war:

    I don't know why this ever entered the discussion, but it doesn't matter it was the bloodiest war in the 19th century. What matters in this discussion are the more recent wars and the amount of wars that raged over Europe.

    Let's take my own region, Flanders. It's a very small region, about 2/5ths of Maryland, and hundreds of thousand people died here the past 100 years. In the first world war alone probably 500.000 or more people died on our soil, most of them in an area that's only 1/10th of Flanders, the westhoek. If you go to that region now it's filled with war graves, everywhere you go you'll find war graves in the westhoek, it's probably the only region in the world with so many.

    We've also lived under German rule twice. In the second world war we've lived for about 4 years under fascist rule, we've seen Jews deported, many young men were deported to Germany to work in the factories, many people of the resitance died, and after the war many anti-state or pro-German people were murdered.

    So the horror of war is still very fresh in our memory, my own dad can even tell things about it which he saw with his own eyes. Almost everyone here had someone in his family that died in a war.

    Maybe that's why most Belgians or Flemings will despise people who favour war, for any reason.

    I said a bloodier war in the 1800's *but of corse a European would forget that...*


    Thats a classic European answer...

    All you said was "Everything before 1865 had no impact on the way people think today."

    Also, the US sufferd preaty badly in WWII just like everyone ells. INFACT: more American troops died in WWII then English, Dutch, and I think French.

  3. I was makeing fun of Russia... I really don't like Russia... :axeman:

    But I also don't like killing people in s School... Thats real low.

    You think our forign policy has ticked people off... Many Americans *And other people like Africans* think the Europeans are trying to re-enstate imperialism.

    And in a way, it feels like you are... Look at it: You tell America to leave other nations alone. You tell Asians they need Human Rights *They do but that is another issue*, you tell Africans who they can and cannot trade with. You ignore South America. You insult Arab traditions. You act as though everyone has to ask you if it's ok to piss.

    From the outside you honestly look like you are trying to take over the world!

    People in the US and Africa and S. America think you're arogent! *They think were arogent as well but thats another issue*

    Now I'm sory but ya'll need to realize that the rest of the world honestly dosn't care anymore.

    You say people think our policy is "Condem the French, ignor the Germans, forgive the Russians"

    Other people think you'rs is "Whien, whine, whine".

    To be honest, one day ya'll are going to piss of some one who is going to Nuke you'r @#$%.

    Sory for the rant...

  4. Supper is what you say in the south *MY native home*...

    I think the fundamental diffrence between Europeans and Americans is that Europeans put the grope over the person.

    We Americans believe in individual rights and Freedoms.

    The Patriot Act is there to protect our people. This is why we don't like it. Our beliefs of Peronal Freedom makes us suspisious of this form of protection and we doubt it's integrity.

    I am willing to bet that if we were more like Europe, we would not be so anti the Patriot Act...


    Also, 800,000 people died in the Nepolianic WARS. Wars being the important word in the sentance.

    I said find a WAR that was bloodier then the Civil War.

    But we'll let it go at take a look at the deth toll divided by the years and get an average for each year.

    Civil War: 670,000 / 4 = 167,500

    Nepolianic Wars (French): 800,000 / 6 = 133,333

    Diffrence: 167,500 - 133,333 = 34,167 more men died each year *on average* in the Civil war then in the Nepolianic Wars (French).

    Had the Civil War gone on as long as the Nepolianic wars did, the Casualties would be... 1,005,000 casualties.

    Now I'm not trying to be macho with "our war was worse" type of thing... It just reall ticks me off when people say the Civil War was unimportant. Look at my name for petes sake... :axeman:

  5. Mythos: acculy manny American's died in WWII that were not trops.

    A Woman and her doughter were killed in Washington State by a Japanese ballone bomb.

    And there were a thousand or so American citizens in Pearl Harbour. And I believe many of them were killed or wounded.


    Also, in the Civil war, at the Battle of Gettysburgh, 53,000 Americans lost their lives in 3 DAYS. 58,000 Americans died in 7 YEARS of Vietnam.

    Never say the US has never suffered a bad war on our lands. We suffered one of the worst in History. In 4 years 670,000 Americans died in the Civil War. So I dare anyone to find a war in the 1800's that was bloodier then the Civil War.

  6. 1st off who other then me said no?

    2nd, US imperialism did not impression the world as much as some other nations. Europe really @#$%ed up Africa and the US wasn't even involved... Europe @#$%ed up the Middle East which caused the US to have to step in. European nations also did most of the damage in South America.

    3rd, The Chechnyians are terrorists. And Russia is not faschist... their Comunists wanna bees. :)

    4th, The US was not a majority for the War, in fact many people were against it at first. Although now most people are for it.

    And finaly

    5th, I think the main reason you Europeans don't like this war is because we kinda told you where to stick it... :P

  7. In accuality, there were lost of people who claimed that Iraq had WMD's before Bush even came to office.

    However, people say Bush was the only one to say that Iraq had them. This is not true. In fact, many people who are not against the war originaly supported the war in Iraq. Watch this-->Were we misled on Iraq?

    Yes many Iraqi's are dieing every day, but mostly to IRAQI bombs not to US solders.

    Were not there for oil, or for money or to beat up a nation. Were there to keep our rights and people free.

  8. The points of Michael, I personally think, are indeed some of the reasons, but Ugo gave a gigantic insight to me.In this post. The fact is, that in the USA there are far more rural areas where people live kilometres away from eachother, while in Western Europe, in some places (like Flandres), you just don't have anything other than buildings. I bet there are streets in the US where you can go on for miles, without seeing a house next to it. In Flandres for instance, this doesn't exist. I don't know how, but this could also be a huge difference.

    This is true. I live in a state where I may not see the nearest town for 20-25 miles. And my nearest neighbour is 2 miles away.

  9. To Anacreon in heaven *This songs tune os the same as the US natonal anthums*

    To Anacreon in heaven where he sat in full glee,

    A few sons of harmony sent a petition,

    That he their inspirer and patron would be,

    When this answer arrived from the jolly old Grecian:

    Voice, fiddle aud flute, no longer be mute,

    I'll lend you my name and inspire you to boot!

    And besides I'll instruct you like me to entwine

    The myrtle of Venus and Bacchus's vine.

    The news through Olympus immediately flew,

    When old Thunder pretended to give himself airs,

    If these mortals are suffered their scheme to pursue,

    The devil a goddess will stay above stairs,

    Hark! already they cry, in transports of joy,

    A fig for Parnassus, to Rowley's we'll fly,

    And there my good fellows, we'll learn to entwine

    The myrtle of Venus and Bacchus's vine.

    The yellow-haired god, and his nine fusty maids,

    To the hill of old Lud will incontinent flee,

    Idalia will boast but of tenantless shades,

    And the biforked hill a mere desert will be,

    My thunder, no fear on't, will soon do its errand,

    And, darn me I'll swinge the ringleaders, I warrant

    I'll trim the young dogs, for thus daring to twine

    The myrtle of Venus with Bacchus's vine.

    Apollo rose up and said, "Prythee ne'er quarrel,

    Good king of the gods, with my votaries below

    Your thunder is useless - then showing his laurel,

    Cried, Sic evitabile fulmen, you know!

    Then over each head my laurels I'll spread,

    So my sons from your crackers no mischief shall dread

    Whilst snug in their club-room, they jovially twine

    The myrtle of Venus and Bacchus's vine.


    The Highlanders Farewell

    O where shall I gae seek my bred?

    Or where shall I gae wander?

    O where shall I gae hide my head?

    For here I'll bide nae langer.

    The seas may row, the winds may blow,

    And swathe me round in danger,

    My native land I must forego,

    And roam a lonely stranger.

    The glen that was my father's own,

    Must be, by his, forsaken,

    And the house that was my father's home

    Is leveled with the brake.

    Ochon ochon, our glory's oer,

    Stole by a mean deceiver,

    Our hands are on the broad claymore,

    But might is broke forever.

    And thou my prince, my injured prince,

    Thy people have disowned thee,

    Have hunted and have driven thee hence

    With ruined chiefs around thee.

    Though hard beset, when I forget

    Thy fate, young helpless rover,

    This broken heart shall cease to beat

    And all its griefs be over.

    Farewell, farewell, dear Caledon

    Land of Gael no longer!

    A stranger fills thy ancient throne,

    In guile and treachery stronger.

    Thy brave, thy just, fall in the dust,

    On ruin's brink they quiver,

    Heaven's pitying ee is closed on thee,

    Adieu, adieu forever.

  10. It's my right to own a firearm. And its my right to defend my self.

    And if I feel threghtned, I WILL defend my self.

    Although I WILL NOT use violent force to defend my self, I will make the one who threghtned me wish they hadn't. I won't shoot to kill, but I will shoot them in the arm or leg if they threghten me.

    On a lighter note, here are some gun safety laws for you to look over.

    Enjoy. :P:)

    Gun Safety Laws

  11. Well it's so far along now it really dosn't matter anymore... :)

    Well let me post my side of the line for a second...

    Guns are good self protection. *And it is my God given right to protect my self.*

    They give leisure through hunting.

    They really are not all that bad.

    Guns can't technicaly kill. People kill.

    And I personaly don't know a single person who would THINK of killing another person in cold blood.

    I personaly don't like Big City hell holes. I don't like it when it's crowded in an area *cough* Los Angeles *cough*. I don't like how people think that we contry folk are inferior because we have diffrent values.

    Someone said in an earlier post that there is alot of discrimination in America. Yea, but it's not amied at Blacks, Muslims, or Asians!

  12. Acculy, I wasn't really talking to you...

    Partly because for some reason some of you'r post is blank...

    And I'm not being agressive. In case you didn't notice but there are alot of people in the world who think that because I was born into a family that can be considered Red necks. I'm inferior to them.

  13. Ahh arogents at it's best!

    Guns are a sorce of leisure for me. Just like a theater is for you.

    So how about this, you think Guns should be outlawed. Thus depriveing me of one of my basic rights, the presuite of happyness.

    Then so should Theaters, or movies, or TV's, ect.

    Also, please tell me why you feel the need to critisise my way of life?

  14. AFAIK the US has just as many problems in that area. And smoking and drinking is imo not such a big deal compared to violence, not at all.

    But you're avoiding Yieul's and Mithrandil's point; why is it that despite the lack of strict gun laws the crime/murder rate in the US is much higher?

    Ok, well Im not avoiding them, I just never really thought about an answer... :)

    Mithrandil: *sigh* Lack of critisium. Yes we lack critisium, we arn't bashed everyday by people like you who don't like our nation. We aren't told by other nations that we are corrupt, arrogent, selfish, and war mongering. Were not even told by our own people that we are bad and have no right to do what we do.

    And you are right, guns do no good for scociety. I don't like to go hunting. And I don't like gun shows. I don't like the car rides with my dad and my dog to the range to try out a new gun or talk to all of our friends and buddies.

    And you are right that it is wrong to treat POW's baddly in Guantanamo. POW's whos nation never signed the Geneiva Convention and did things 10 times worse to our POW's and to their own people.

    And as always you Europeans are right and every one ells is wrong. You know everything about everything. You are so civilized that you don't need to know about other peoples cultures, othern then what you'r governments force feed you. You take advice from such hevenly places as France who dropes Neuclier and Chemical waste on inhabited islands in the Pacific, but its ok, you'r Wuropean. You'r perfict, you can do no wrong. And although many of you'r nations un-employment rates are riseing it's ok, because you'r European! You are God's gift to the world! And although you'r nations force Arab girls to not whear head-scarves, IT'S OK YOU'R EUROPEAN!

    So lets all give a big round of applause for Europe and it's spotless record... even if they bribed the news networks to get it!

    Sory for the rant, but it bugs me how you claim Guns do no good so they should be banned. It would be like me saying that theaters or dances did no good and so they should be banned.

    Moral: You are makeing asuptions about my culture, my morals, MY way of life with out knowing the way it's lived.

  15. The Minstrel Boy

    The Minstrel Boy to the war is gone

    In the ranks of death you will find him;

    His father's sword he hath girded on,

    And his wild harp slung behind him;

    "Land of Song!" said the warrior bard,

    "Tho' all the world betrays thee,

    One sword, at least, thy rights shall guard,

    One faithful harp shall praise thee!"

    The Minstrel fell! But the foeman's chain

    Could not bring that proud soul under;

    The harp he lov'd ne'er spoke again,

    For he tore its chords asunder;

    And said "No chains shall sully thee,

    Thou soul of love and brav'ry!

    Thy songs were made for the pure and free,

    They shall never sound in slavery!"

  16. Most crimes that involve a murder aren't even comitted with a firearm.

    Firearms just happin to be the most televised. *I wonder why?...*

    And although, Europe has less violence in general, they do still have problems with things such as smokeing, drinking, drugs, racial descrimination... ect.

  17. Well, there would be no problem if that mindless killer doesn't have a gun, no? By the way, in Amerika there seem to be much mindless killers, while in Belgium (I think), they are very, very rare. And then they still don't go to the streets and kill people they don't know, without any reason. And like Klaas said before, Michael More is definitly wright about one thing (I think of many other things to), and that is that the media make or try to make the americans afraid. Well, if you are being made afraid, you will feel much, much easier threatened...

    You also, forget a few facts.

    Belgum has a smaller population then the US.

    Crime rates are MUCH lower in ares where there are FEWER gun laws.

    And I'm not afraid of someone robbing me. Because they're gonna regret the day they messed with this red nek. :)

    See my above post for a good song.

  18. Ohh, sure you have the right to defend yourself. But the right to defend yourself doesn't mean you have the right to shoot somebodies brain to a wall. You can defend yourself otherwise. For instance, by being smart and negotiating, or using other violence, but defending like judo.

    When you find a way to negotiate with a mindless killer call me. And also, martial arts are no match for a good 6 shooter.

    If guns were illegal in the USA then there probably wasn't such a demand for guns to feel safe. In Europe weapons are illegal and 'nobody' wants a gun to protect himself, if it works here then we doesn't it work in the USA.

    I don't buy guns to feel safer, I buy them to hunt. I also buy them as colectors items. Guns are a hobby for me. Also, many famous and inportant people suport a persons RKBA. Such as the Dalhi Lamma, Muhatma Gandhi, John F. Kennedy, and John Adams.

    So, stop complaining about my way of life... Or kiss my contry @#$%. :P

    Here is a song for you folks: http://woodsandwateroutdoorshow.com/video/rhettkiss.wmv


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