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Posts posted by Archangel_Jack

  1. I used to be called Jerusalem over the AoKH forums, I picked it out when I was about 14 and I had this really intense (Jewish) religious phase, and Jerusalem is a really important place in Judaism. (I actually don't live there and never did.) Everybody would call me Jeru for short.

    For a while I got tired of it and changed it to Akavish (which is Hebrew for "spider"), and everybody hated it so I changed it to Jeru. Elsewhere on the internet I am known as Zenith87 (cool astronomical word derived from Arabic, taken ultimately from the 0 A.D. creed) and Thufir87 (character in Dune who can predict the future and advises leaders as some sort of intelligence officer).

    Interesting story. Most people just come up with something based on their favourite game.

    Archangel + Jack(My name)

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