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Posts posted by kaiserfro

  1. It looks like once upon a time the Awesomium was GPL..but thats probably outdated. The new one matches up with newer versions of Chromium, but the license is not compatible.

    I agree that Chromium is unstable. In fact, Google's development model is to always push ahead, since they dont really have any customers for their work, they don't need to bug fix/stabilize releases. Besides, they way they figure it, everything is in "Beta" stage..nothing ever gets finalized. Maybe things change once Chrome OS starts becoming available on netbooks.

    Having said that reading about the API that chromium provides value added to webkit maybe overkill. To make the thinnest implementation, writing a new webkit binding would be ideal. A webkit to GL binding of some sort. Basically, do what awesomium does, but directly to webkit and the javascript engine, instead of through the chromium api.

    Wow, what a task.

  2. I think this is a great idea too. I like the idea of being able to develop and test the GUI without the game itself. This could attract some new developers.

    Its ashamed that awesomium is closed source...as that sounds like it may be the way to go. It also sounds like the google api port may be a bit overkill. So it sounds like a new webkit or google api wrapper will be in order.

    I'm not all that versed about embedding webkit in a GL-based game a a texture. I've heard of people attempting this since webkit can render to a buffer. So I have a question...In a browser the rendered page is an dynamic entity, with controls (drop downs, links, etc.), and the DOM is modifiable on the fly. If the page is rendered to a buffer, that sounds a bit static to me. How does the user interact with the rendered HTML? Its like the GL engine would need to capture mouse events and trigger re-renders of portions of the HTML page to be redisplayed on the texture.

    Once thats all square, then you could do neat things like JS code to modify the pages on the fly. Maybe some AJAX like interactions for communicating with a game server and updating the pages accordingly.

  3. I notice a small bug(?) with the drop down list behavior though....when selecting an item, when you pull down the drop down again, it doesn't automatically move the list to the selection...it starts at the top again.

    I filed a bug in trac, bug #315. I attached a patch file that seems to fix the bug. I don't think it is necessary to keep resetting the scroll position back to 0 everytime the dropdown list is opened. That was it'll draw the list to wherever the selected item is.

  4. That new one looks pretty neat. Personally, I don't care what it looks like, I'm interested in the function. Simple ui's for testing, and leave it up to people with artistic talent better than mine to dream up those neat screens.

    Theming that screen based upon the selected civ would be a neat idea (background image, foreground image, fonts, and colors). The data has to be separated from the view though.

  5. I'm fairly sure there isn't. There probably should be, and ideally it would be independent of the GUI code and scripts.

    The reason I say this is because looking around the existing collection of data, civ data is mixed up among a lot of different files. Technologies are in a technologies file, the sprites are in a sprites file, etc. For someone modding the game, it would be nice to refactor these types of things to put civ stuff together in a civ file. That way I can introduce a new civ to the game by creating 1 new file instead of modifying countless others.

    Of course, even with my limited time playing around with this stuff, there are PLENTY of things to do. I figured I'd start with something that seemed relatively simple and it seems to be exploding into a zillion little things. I guess nothing better to do then roll up ones sleeves and start digging in with whatever spare time I may have.

  6. My only comment is usability-related. This is nothing less than great for new players but after a few games there should be an opt-out option.

    Note that I did modify the existing screen slightly to replace the civ name with a drop down. I think that would be a decent solution to the quick, "I want civ X" scenario.

    I notice a small bug(?) with the drop down list behavior though....when selecting an item, when you pull down the drop down again, it doesn't automatically move the list to the selection...it starts at the top again.

    I also noticed a typo in the emblem XML files...the Carth image is referenced as Kart.dds even though the actual name in SVN is Cart.dds.

  7. The first is a simple modification of the existing game setup screen. Changing the Civ Name to a drop down. This would be the simplest and quickest way to change the Civ for experienced players.


    The second is a new screen that comes up when clicking on the Civ's image. One part of the screen showing the image again, plus previous/next buttons (maybe a drop down instead?). The rest of the screen can be civ information...It'd be nice if there was a HTML rendering text box, then you can put a nicely formatted HTML page full of history, civ bonuses, Hero lists, special buildings, etc.


    It appears there is still much underlying work that still needs to be done. Like, where do you get the civ information, the civ lists, what to do with the selection.

  8. I think since its fairly simple to use the actual game engine to mock up an idea, I'll just capture some screen shots of what I'm thinking about...I'll post them when I get a chance.

    I have not gotten a change to go through all of the resources in SVN with a fine tooth comb. I was wondering if there is an XML file, or a series of XML files that describe the civilizations. I could see an XML containing information similar to the design documents for each civ (http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Civ%3A_Carthaginians). Basically something that has the name, brief overview (where it originated, short history, etc), civ bonuses, team bonuses, special buildings or special units for the purposes of displaying that information on the selection screen. Then additional information for the use within the simulation such as the list of units and buildings, etc that this civ is capable of using in conjunction with the tech tree for the civ.

    Is there a file like that existing already?

  9. Looking at the latest from SVN, it looks like there is still no CIV selection screen within the game setup GUI. So I figured maybe I'll dip my toe in on this one since it's mostly XML and JS to start with.

    Looking at some of the design documentation vs. what the game currently has, there is a bit of a discrepancy. The design wiki indicates that civ selection should be a dropdown box with the list of Civ's one could play somewhere on the game setup screen. The actual GUI now has a big image with a tooltip that says click here to change civ.

    Keeping everything on the one screen keeps everything very simple. A dropdown, maybe an image that represents the civ as it is now.

    On the other hand having a separate screen allows for more information conveyed. I could see something like a dropdown selection or next/previous buttons rotating through the civs. An image that represents the civ, a text pane with some civ description, some history, some pros and cons, etc.

    Just curious what the original designers think, since I'm sure there are images floating in their heads.

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