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Everything posted by Yves

  1. I just wondered if there's any need for the .d files created by make/gcc. At first view it looks like they aren't needed. Dependencies are recreated using premake which is invoked by update-workspaces.sh. The -MF flag for creating dependencies is appended by premake, but the customized premake code used for .asm files tries to create a .d file too. Because of a little typo it doesn't create it properly, so I guess nobody needed it. What do you think? Should I remove it in the premake4 scripts(if not needed) or should we fix it now(if needed)? I'm talking about these lines in gnu_cpp.c: if (!g_verbose) strcat(g_buffer, "@"); strcat(g_buffer, "nasm "); strcat(g_buffer, opts); strcat(g_buffer, " -i"); strcat(g_buffer,input_dir ); strcat(g_buffer, " -M -o $@ $< >$(OBJDIR)/$(<F:%%.asm=%.d)\n"); There's a percent-sign too much.
  2. A short status report: More or less the whole premake-script is converted to permake4 syntax in a "quick and dirty" style. My approach is getting it working quickly and improving it as soon as everything works. I didn't change most of the concepts used in the original scripts even though some things could probably be solved different (and better) with the new premake4 features. At the moment I'm working on the test generation. I'm trying to implement it using prebuildcommands, which already works except with parallel builds. Premake has a bug with parallel builds and make (e.g. make -j5). In parallel builds, the compiling is started at the same time the prebuildcommands are run, which results in missing test sourcefiles during the first build-process. My goal was not to patch the premake sources, but it looks like I'll have to fix this. In my opinion this is a bug in premake and not just a problem of how I'm trying to use it. Prebuildcommands should always be called before the build-process and not during the build-process. Maybe I can get a fix upstream so we won't have to use patched sources in the future. @janwas Thank you for offering your support! I guess there will be some things to discuss after I get the first version working.
  3. Hi I've spent the last few days converting the existing premake3 lua-scripts to the premake4 syntax. I'll still need some more time to finish and test everything, but it looks like I'm on the right way. I just wanted to inform the people here, because it would be a waste if someone else worked on that too. It could still take some weeks or even months because my vacations are over now, but I guess this doesn't hurry. So... everyone keep it going and hopefully we'll soon be able to take advantage of premake4 EDIT: I've released of first version of the updated scripts in this post.
  4. Thank you for sharing your experience. At the moment there are 5 different IDEs installed on my PC. I'll have a closer look at all of them... but this might take some time .
  5. Hello Could you please tell something about the IDE or/and the set of tools you use for developing on Linux? At work I'm using Visual Studio, but I would like to work on Linux in my spare time and will have to learn using one of the IDEs running on Linux. It would be very interesting and useful to know which IDE scales well for a project like 0 A.D. I've looked through the various documents I found on the website and also checked out the code to find some hints. I did only find some obvious tools like make, GCC and SVN. Hopefully I can start looking a bit closer at 0 A.D soon.
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