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Posts posted by espes

  1. Take that up with the Valgrind people, it's not yet completely compatible with OS X. You don't need it, anyway.


    Take care that libdevil 1.6.8-rc2 (the version in macports) is not compatible with GCC 4.3, you'll need to install 1.7.8. Get it from http://openil.sourceforge.net/download.php. Then extract the archive, and run ./configure --enable-ILU --enable-ILUT, make, and sudo make install.

  2. Wow, your patch set's quite bigger than mine.

    I'll do a write-up tomorrow afternoon along with macports portfiles and binaries (It's a bad idea to install things without package management, and I patched spidermonkey and libDevIL instead of working around them)

    Oh, and somebody start a ticket regarding valgrind. It should be optional.

  3. It's delightful to see 0 A.D. running on OSX - congratulations!

    I've hopefully fixed the snd_mgr trouble (OpenAL's ALC string types differ between platforms, ugh). Please PM me if it's still broken (unfortunately I can only test on Windows).

    Since I don't seem to have the privileges to PM you, yeah... snd_mgr was working fine, the fix broke it for me.

    ../../../source/lib/res/sound/snd_mgr.cpp: In function 'LibError alc_init()':
    ../../../source/lib/res/sound/snd_mgr.cpp:259: error: invalid conversion from 'ALCubyte*' to 'const ALCchar*'
    ../../../source/lib/res/sound/snd_mgr.cpp:259: error: initializing argument 1 of 'ALCdevice* alcOpenDevice(const ALCchar*)'
    ../../../source/lib/res/sound/snd_mgr.cpp: In function 'LibError snd_dev_prepare_enum()':
    ../../../source/lib/res/sound/snd_mgr.cpp:689: error: invalid conversion from 'ALCubyte*' to 'const ALCchar*'
    ../../../source/lib/res/sound/snd_mgr.cpp:689: error: initializing argument 2 of 'ALCboolean alcIsExtensionPresent(ALCdevice*, const ALCchar*)'
    make[1]: *** [obj/lowlevel_Debug/snd_mgr.o] Error 1

    ALC's strings may differ between different distros of OpenAL, not just the Mac build (I'm just using the default Mac version, and it uses ALCchar's)


    Yeah, the ALC from macports uses ALubyte's, it's probably a version thing.


    Yeah, it was supposed to change from ALCubyte's to ALCchar's with the version 1.1 headers, though they both identify themselves as 1.1 >:-(


    nevermind, I created a ticket

  4. I don't mean to be a bother, but could you post the pasteit of your il.h ? It'd just be easier than going through the diff.

    uhh... apply the diff? You don't have to go through it...

    Great! thank you so much for the link. I found it, installed and it works properly.

    It's dirty install things without package managements. Rather, throw together a quick macports Portfile

    # $Id$

    PortSystem 1.0

    name enet
    version 1.2
    categories net
    maintainers foobar
    description UDP network communication layer
    long_description ENet is a thin, simple and robust network communication layer on top of UDP featuring optional reliable, in-order delivery of packets.
    homepage http://enet.bespin.org
    platforms darwin
    master_sites http://enet.bespin.org/download/
    distfiles enet-1.2.tar.gz

    checksums enet-1.2.tar.gz \
    md5 e0d9f468d8c6f6bfd07083b3b40f5e69 \
    sha1 8da3d1665e64b9f037a3e4d48d3477a846ba44e7 \
    rmd160 1b68ceb791eecfeebb99762f334eacac2461eb19 \

    use_autoconf yes


    I suspect it has something to do with spider monkey? What do you guys think?

    Like I said before, "there's a typedef conflict with spidermonkey, you'll need to patch up jsotypes.h later."

    I modified my jsotypes.h to read:

    #ifndef _UINT64 
    typedef JSUint64 uint64;
    #define _UINT64

    That's what I did, but now that I think about it, there's probably a better way to fix it.

    What do we think about this error?

    No idea, that didn't happen to me. :\

  5. You need libDevIL. Though there's a issue in the 1.6.8 version, I had to frankenstein together 1.6.8 and 1.7.0 includes to get it working.

    Also, there's a typedef conflict with spidermonkey, you'll need to patch up jsotypes.h later.

    It's compiling and launching for me (with a bunch of edits, here's my diff)

    My problem now is that I cannot get libxml2 working with threading. I compile it with "--enable-threads", but "LIBXML_THREAD_ENABLED" is still not set, and it crashes and burns when starting a game. Anyone have any ideas?

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