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hey, thx for your reply. Also i like that politely part.
Im posting the old forums suggestions so everyone can read it if they r new or just dont want to repost. Topic Subject: Suggestions/Questions/Comments Box « Previous Page 1 2 3 ··· 6 Next Page » av_nefardec Forumer Location: Ohio, USA posted 11-27-02 09:23 PM EDT (US) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please post your comments, suggestions, etc. in this thread. Your opinion can help make the game the best it can be. However, remember that TLA has been in development for some time (more than a year now), so unless it is extremely necessary, major changes to existing things are probably futile. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adam (aka) av_nefardec -= WildFire Games =- {The Last Alliance} Project Leader [This message has been edited by av_nefardec (edited 06-17-2003 @ 09:38 PM).] Author Replies: Fitzgooberdood Forumer posted 12-11-02 01:39 AM EDT (US) 1 / 129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For terrain I would like to see it wonderfully detailed and realistic, so much so that you relate the units. Mordor for instance should make you feel sorry for the despondent wretches that have to trudge throughout it. While the valleys of Eriador should make you jealous of the cheerful little blighters who dwell there. A mountain should be mountainous and a gorge should be gorgeous. If, as I hear, the game is fully three dimensional, I suggest that holding down the Alt key and moving the mouse would cause the view to go 129600º. This would practically make the game too much fun. Textures (even if only from a distance) should look like their namesakes. av_nefardec Forumer Location: Ohio, USA posted 12-11-02 05:24 PM EDT (US) 2 / 129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for your suggestion- Pardon my ignorance, but what is "129600º"? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adam (aka) av_nefardec -= WildFire Games =- {The Last Alliance} Project Leader Metzsherk Forumer Location: Australia posted 12-13-02 06:22 PM EDT (US) 3 / 129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, how about using the rotating idea like in Wc3 so we dont get stuck, or have a hotkey to get out. And why dont you add an upkeep of food and gold that you will constantly lose eg 1 food and gold per man per minute. If you can pay this the men u can pay die ? av_nefardec Forumer Location: Ohio, USA posted 12-13-02 06:44 PM EDT (US) 4 / 129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We're doing a fixed isometric view sort of like AoM. If you want to know more, TBJ can tell you all about it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adam (aka) av_nefardec -= WildFire Games =- {The Last Alliance} Project Leader Fitzgooberdood Forumer posted 12-13-02 07:52 PM EDT (US) 5 / 129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Actually, I probably wouldn't have known either if I hadn't looked it up first. 129600 is 360(360). I suggested the Alt key because it isn't likely to be used for anything else and it works surprisingly well in a vertex modeler I use. RevGraphics Forumer Location: Estonia posted 12-13-02 10:27 PM EDT (US) 6 / 129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---How do you see TLA? A great project in my opinion. Though the going for full 3D and losing all the hipoly models and stuff, you are like we were few months ago (Forced to redo all the graphics). The team you've got is pretty impressive, having so fabulous ideas... ---What do you not like about TLA? Some ideas I don't like, yet those are few. I also don't like the discussions about scenarios and such at such an early stage. Thing is that you guys don't know how much the editor will let you do and how capable are the programmers of doing your wildest ideas, so everything should be first discussed with the programmers, and then get the idea rolling here. But still, this is your way of developing... ---What do you want to see in TLA? I want to see things I never have seen before, a game worthy of the (well of course) LOTR title... ---What should be different about TLA? I wish you wouldn't have taken the idea to change every Tolkien copyrighted stuff to something else. Yes, no copyright problems, but still... ---What do you like about TLA? First of all I like the team (same thing I like in 0AD). I love the ideas. And I know that I would LOVE to have my battle defending Minas Tirith, so you guys make that available for me or else... I also like the gondor house and the helm of Eomer... av_nefardec Forumer Location: Ohio, USA posted 12-13-02 11:05 PM EDT (US) 7 / 129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for your compliments. About the lotr names- We're just making basic game non-tolkien, but the additional downloads like the language file that changes the names from generic to lotr and the lotr scenarios will be available for download shortly after release. So: 1.) You download the basic game. 2a.) You can then play the game as it is, or: 2b.) You can download the unofficial (not endorsed officially by WFG) lotr packages such as names, scenarios, etc. 3.) Then you would have things like the Battle of Minas Tirith and your other favorite battles. One of the things that I've learned from this project already is that it will never succeed unless we're flexible. We have to give up some things so that we can still have the entire project, in the earlier case it was our high-poly models, which definitely was a shame, and now it's our decision to go non-tolkien for the basic game. These things are just necessary for us to continue with the project. A good way to think of our generic, base game is LotR without copyrighted names. For example, there will still be High Men, Northmen, Evil Men, Wood Elves, High Elves, Dwarves, and Morlath, just not Edain, Northmen, Umedain, Silvan, Noldor, Dwarves, and Morlath. You can see that they are essentially the same, albiet the former is perfectly legal. That's basically what we're doing about this. We'll release a more official public statement as we progress on the project. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adam (aka) av_nefardec -= WildFire Games =- {The Last Alliance} Project Leader ElfTheHunter Forumer Location: Thaziel posted 12-14-02 00:07 AM EDT (US) 8 / 129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The talk about scenario designing is really just concept and ideas which would come in early development, actually we aren't even discussing concepts of scenarios yet, just hiring and establishing the Scenario Team... which most game developers have established as soon as the project begins... Any way, I do not see Scenario Design for TLA as a priority right now, and am willing to sacrifice a lot of my ideas... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WildFireGames Scn Designer Creator of: Clans of War, Tribes of War, Silent Howl In-Work of: The Fellowship of the Ring, The Return of the King, The Lord of the Ring WFG Project: The Last Alliance ElfTheHunter ~~ Forums Joseph_Swede Forumer Location: dunno...? posted 12-14-02 09:05 AM EDT (US) 9 / 129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ok, i have a question, i know this isn't the "Questions box" but i didn't want to start a new post about it so here's my question. its about music. What music are you going to do in-game? I mean wont it be pretty hard to find some other lotr-ish musci other than the movie music? Vaevictis_Music Forumer posted 12-14-02 09:42 AM EDT (US) 10 / 129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yeah - I was wondering about that too - my advice would be to do what you do with the whole LOTR concept. Make something that's very close in style to the FOTR and TTT soundtracks without using the actual themes. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Composer for 0ad. Some of the finished tracks can be found at http://hjem.get2net.dk/z/music / RevGraphics Forumer Location: Estonia posted 12-14-02 09:48 AM EDT (US) 11 / 129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vaevictis_Music: AKA do what the Vivendi did with FOTR game, very similar music... av_nefardec Forumer Location: Ohio, USA posted 12-14-02 10:30 AM EDT (US) 12 / 129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- That's kind of what I was leaning towards. I think it might be nice to have 2 or 3 themes that are interwoven with eachother through all of the major civ songs. For the civs' main tracks these 2 or 3 themes could be imbued in the music, albeit differently for every civ. The Morlath's would sound very evil, obviously, the elves' would be somewhat melancholy, and the dwarves may be full of grandeur and pomp, (like the Bridge of Khazad dum) I have to give a little more thought to this however, there are some other things that I am working on now that require my priority. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adam (aka) av_nefardec -= WildFire Games =- {The Last Alliance} Project Leader Black Hawk Forumer Location: Netherlands posted 01-03-03 08:24 AM EDT (US) 13 / 129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi i'm new here i have to agree with the music stuff, races must have diffrent type's of music that fits the race you play another thing i was thinking, maby you can built walls, but in most games walls are useless, i think you should make a wall where you can place archers on, and that those archers have cover from the wall, like in stronghold this will implant new strategic elements and make the game more fun IMO (btw my english is bad ) av_nefardec Forumer Location: Ohio, USA posted 01-03-03 12:21 PM EDT (US) 14 / 129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yes that is how walls and ships are in TLA. You'll be able to put men on walls, some buildings, and ships. You can also put siege engines on ships. The ships in TLA are not like AoK ships. The type of ship only determines its speed, shape, and hitpoints, not its attack. It attacks based on what you put on it. If you place ballistas on the ship, you will have a nice siege platform. If you put men on it, it will act like a transport. Some ships can ram other ships, too. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adam (aka) av_nefardec -= Wildfire Games =- {The Last Alliance} Project Leader http://www.wildfiregames.com/tla [This message has been edited by av_nefardec (edited 01-03-2003 @ 12:30 PM).] Black Hawk Forumer Location: Netherlands posted 01-03-03 12:32 PM EDT (US) 15 / 129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- that would be great, i think i never seen that in another RTS game Orchalmagor Forumer Location: Spokane WA posted 01-09-03 08:24 PM EDT (US) 16 / 129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thislooks like the best RTS game I have ever seen. This is the prob with games from places liek Microsoft, There was no serious descussion about whatshould be in it! I am AMAZED at the creativity that this team has!!! Ive seen Ideas here that astound me!! This is gonna be one heck of a game.SO in answer to your questionj for this thread. I see nothing wrong with it so far!! lol Microsoft realed AOK with A computer that resigned within 5 minutes, thats not whatI see for this RTS. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Orchalmagor Tall Swordman Applicant for Storywriter [This message has been edited by Orchalmagor (edited 01-11-2003 @ 07:37 PM).] Fitzgooberdood Forumer posted 01-10-03 05:42 PM EDT (US) 17 / 129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I totally concur with your statement of this game's greatness. It does indeed look to be one of the best RTS games in the business. That resigning was a bug and it was fixed later on. Orchalmagor Forumer Location: Spokane WA posted 01-11-03 07:39 PM EDT (US) 18 / 129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I know the bug was caught. but they released the game with it! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Orchalmagor Tall Swordman Applicant for Storywriter Gagylpus Forumer Location: Canada posted 01-12-03 00:41 AM EDT (US) 19 / 129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- about the walls: i am presuming that putting archers on wall will give the archers some sort of attack bonus (thus making it worthwhile)? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gagylpus FPH Templar Math-wiz and LOTR encyclopedia Ever tried burning steel wool? Its realllly fun. O Erunya! En ná i pelecco mi nya cár! Tangado haid! Hado i philinn! Proud member of the FPH Clan av_nefardec Forumer Location: Ohio, USA posted 01-12-03 01:16 AM EDT (US) 20 / 129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yes, and a range, los bonus. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adam (aka) av_nefardec -= Wildfire Games =- {The Last Alliance} Project Leader http://www.wildfiregames.com/tla PapaTuDo Forumer posted 01-12-03 10:42 AM EDT (US) 21 / 129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How do you see TLA? For this moment just exelent What do you want to see in TLA? Like it is progressing now! What should be different about TLA? I didnt understand this question. from other games? Then I dont really know. Maybe player friendly everything : scenario editor, interface and a smart AI. What do you like about TLA? Interesting idea, basing a game on Tolkien books. I was dreaming of this game since I read the book! Lloyd Carlyle Forumer Location: Electricity... posted 01-15-03 05:11 PM EDT (US) 22 / 129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Two small suggestions/ideas for the scenario editor. I apologize if they have been discussed before... 1. Yesterday I went to this state park to go sledding. I cut across country and found myself wading through waist-high weeds. This got me wondering... will there be some sort of "tall grass" to hide in? 2. What about editing unit colors (at least on some). For instance you could have just one basic dragon-- and then customize him into Ancalagon the Black or Smaug the Golden! Same with the dwarfs in the Hobbit-- just change their hoods and coats. This would (I think) add a lot of easy customability, 'cause you wouldn't actually be changing the unit, just its colors. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "They came, they saw, I conquered." Lumberjack "Look for the shining star, not the lightbulb." Nathanael86 "You've taken your first step into a larger world." Ben Kenobi "May the high internet connection speed be with you..." kevinngzh "I can get there by the light at my feet/You've made me walk in electricity." Pillar "This appears to be another murder connected to a string of hotdogs." SWGBadrenaline RhymesWithOrange Forumer Location: Vernon, British Colu posted 01-15-03 06:31 PM EDT (US) 23 / 129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How do you see TLA? I see TLA as one of the biggest freeware games of all time. Surpassing 1 million downloads in total because of the fact that no other software will be needed. What do you want to see in TLA? Myself as a storywriter But really, EPIC BATTLES, EPIC BATTLES, EPIC BATTLES. Any avid RTS gamer has dreamed about epic battles since the start of the RTS craze. Sure we have our battles in AOK:CE where you have 500 units under your command, I want 2000. I'd also like to see the game stay a close to Tolkien as possible. His writing is some of the best in human history, and Wildfire Games should do their best to keep it true to his word. What should be different about TLA? Population limit, it has to be big. This would help with the epic battles. I love the idea of different population limits, it should be in the ages to exp. Nolder 1st Age big, 3rd Age small. What do you like about TLA? The entire project, I'd love to get it in on that Keep up the Good Work team. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What rhymes with orange? Scrip Doctor Hopeful. Silvan Master Cuui. av_nefardec Forumer Location: Ohio, USA posted 01-15-03 07:13 PM EDT (US) 24 / 129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @Lloyd: 1.)Tall grass is definitely a possibility, but having lots of it really drains frame rate, so if we had this it'd only be in clumps. You could put it around rivers and stuff then. 2.)The fact is, when you change colors, you are changing the unit. This would mean making multiple texture maps for each unit, and texture maps are what will take up the most space with the units. We do plan, though, to have random textures for, say, the northmen - their horses will be either white, brown (most common), or black. Additionally, we could change armor styles, by having one or two different texture maps. However, adding colors to all the units would be very size-intensive. Besides, coloring your army takes away from the broad strategical view of an entire army when you are just concentrating on single units. @Orange: We also would like to see many units, but 2000 models for all of the civs + scenery would be a massive amount of models - it would take immense system requirements to run something like that -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adam (aka) av_nefardec -= Wildfire Games =- {The Last Alliance} Project Leader http://www.wildfiregames.com/tla PapaTuDo Forumer posted 01-16-03 11:30 AM EDT (US) 25 / 129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Massive battles are good for historical games like: Cossacks and American conquest, but for fantasy RTS games 500+- would be just fine! Topic Subject: Suggestions/Questions/Comments Box « Previous Page 1 2 3 4 ··· 6 Next Page » av_nefardec Forumer Location: Ohio, USA posted 11-27-02 09:23 PM EDT (US) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please post your comments, suggestions, etc. in this thread. Your opinion can help make the game the best it can be. However, remember that TLA has been in development for some time (more than a year now), so unless it is extremely necessary, major changes to existing things are probably futile. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adam (aka) av_nefardec -= WildFire Games =- {The Last Alliance} Project Leader [This message has been edited by av_nefardec (edited 06-17-2003 @ 09:38 PM).] Author Replies: Lloyd Carlyle Forumer Location: Electricity... posted 01-16-03 04:50 PM EDT (US) 26 / 129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quote: ...this would mean making multiple texture maps... texture maps are what will take up the most space with the units. Okay, skip that idea. Quote: We do plan, though, to have random textures for, say, the northmen - their horses will be either white, brown (most common), or black. Additionally, we could change armor styles, by having one or two different texture maps. Yeah, I read that in another thread. Sounds very cool! Quote: Besides, coloring your army takes away from the broad strategical view of an entire army when you are just concentrating on single units Actually I was thinking about the scenario editor, not the normal game... you just can't have a red dragon be Ancalagon the Black, see? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "They came, they saw, I conquered." Lumberjack "Look for the shining star, not the lightbulb." Nathanael86 "You've taken your first step into a larger world." Ben Kenobi "May the high internet connection speed be with you..." kevinngzh "I can get there by the light at my feet/You've made me walk in electricity." Pillar "This appears to be another murder connected to a string of hotdogs." SWGBadrenaline Johnhl Forumer posted 01-16-03 05:57 PM EDT (US) 27 / 129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- changing colors doesn't require that you have different texture if you use palettized textures -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Programer Dude at Reverie av_nefardec Forumer Location: Ohio, USA posted 01-16-03 06:25 PM EDT (US) 28 / 129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quote: changing colors doesn't require that you have different texture if you use palettized textures Yes, true, like Age of Mythology, but that gives the art a cartoonish, board game feel, not a grim, fantasy feel. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adam (aka) av_nefardec -= Wildfire Games =- {The Last Alliance} Project Leader http://www.wildfiregames.com/tla Lloyd Carlyle Forumer Location: Electricity... posted 01-18-03 04:54 PM EDT (US) 29 / 129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quote: "Yes, true, like Age of Mythology, but that gives the art a cartoonish, board game feel, not a grim, fantasy feel. Adam, that is exactly what I thought when I first saw AoM's graphics. Cartoonish was the exact word that came to mind. I'm glad you're staying away from that. (Shivers) On a different note-- there will be animal predators, right? Will there be water monsters like the Watcher in FotR lurking beneath the waves? Just wondering. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "They came, they saw, I conquered." Lumberjack "Look for the shining star, not the lightbulb." Nathanael86 "You've taken your first step into a larger world." Ben Kenobi "May the high internet connection speed be with you..." kevinngzh "I can get there by the light at my feet/You've made me walk in electricity." Pillar "This appears to be another murder connected to a string of hotdogs." SWGBadrenaline David Carney Forumer Location: USA posted 01-18-03 05:19 PM EDT (US) 30 / 129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Expanding on Lloyd's idea, we should have wild "monsters" (for lack of a better word) roaming the game. Like in caves, there should be an accasional balrog (were there more than 1?) or monsters who are not on anyones side, and they might ally with you depending on some kind of sta your civ has, or will attack you no matter what. Great idea Lloyd! Blackknight_282 Forumer Location: Kentucky posted 01-18-03 06:34 PM EDT (US) 31 / 129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey david, their wouldn't be any balrogs because they weren't just like wild animals. They were maia(lesser spirits). Though it's not such a bad idea. Gandalf did say that their are onlder and more fouler things than orcs in the deep places of the world. (was that in the book or just the movie?) *goes to re-read LOTR* av_nefardec Forumer Location: Ohio, USA posted 01-18-03 07:01 PM EDT (US) 32 / 129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Balrogs were generals, elites of Morgoth's army and they were few in number. Their leader was Gothmog, who slew many an elf-lord. The Balrog of Moria was thought to be one of the last left in Middle Earth, if not the last one, as all of the others perished in the catacylsmic upheaval of the world after the War of Wrath in the first age. There certainly will be AI-controlled civilizations that attack you, however, and they are called "Independent Civilizations". They do much more than attack you though, and can be annexed, traded with, allied with, and enslaved. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adam (aka) av_nefardec -= Wildfire Games =- {The Last Alliance} Project Leader http://www.wildfiregames.com/tla Joseph_Swede Forumer Location: dunno...? posted 01-18-03 07:57 PM EDT (US) 33 / 129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "There certainly will be AI-controlled civilizations that attack you, however, and they are called "Independent Civilizations". They do much more than attack you though, and can be annexed, traded with, allied with, and enslaved." Is that what you plan to do with the hobbits? Because i don't think that it would work to have a hobbit civ, b/c of the lack of military units, and besides, the hobbits would get trampled, look at what happened in the scouring of the shire. (yes the hobbits won, but....) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Member of the Massassi Knights clan for Jedi Outcast and mapper for Aom, Jedi Outcast, Swgb, Aoe, Aok, EE, and Star Craft Don't mess with a Swede... http://mknights.kicks-@#$%.net/(my clan) David Carney Forumer Location: USA posted 01-18-03 08:05 PM EDT (US) 34 / 129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Awsome, can the civs go to war because you do something to their habitat, for example If you cut down too much of the forest, the Ents will attack your city, and any troops who walk through the forest? If I start getting into too much detail tell me and I'll stick it in the team discussion forum. av_nefardec Forumer Location: Ohio, USA posted 01-18-03 09:00 PM EDT (US) 35 / 129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yes the halflings are an independent civ - there is a topic called "Independent Civs" that has most of them detailed in it, but not all were finished. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adam (aka) av_nefardec -= Wildfire Games =- {The Last Alliance} Project Leader http://www.wildfiregames.com/tla hamburgler Forumer Location: Rockville, MD posted 01-27-03 01:41 PM EDT (US) 36 / 129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- About the horses being white, brown, and black...I recall reading something about Sauron stealing all of the black horses of Rohan? Maybe this is just my memory tricking me. I just skimmed the Riders of Rohan chapter, only quote I could find was "Their horses were great of stature, strong and clean-limbed; their grey cloats glistened." Well, I dunno, thought it was worth mentioning if I'm right. [This message has been edited by hamburgler (edited 01-27-2003 @ 01:43 PM).] Blackknight_282 Forumer Location: Kentucky posted 01-27-03 04:22 PM EDT (US) 37 / 129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I remember that too so I don't think it was your imagination. It is in some part where they say that the people of rohan are paying tribute in horse to sauron and eomer says that they never pay but their black horses get stolen. fede_histpop Forumer Location: Tuenno, Italy posted 01-27-03 04:29 PM EDT (US) 38 / 129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- And in fact they never paid. The black horses of the black raiders were grown up in Mordor, because no other animal could do this work. I think Gandalf says it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Don't adventures ever have an end? I suppose not. Someone else always has to carry on the story." Bilbo Baggins av_nefardec Forumer Location: Ohio, USA posted 01-27-03 11:20 PM EDT (US) 39 / 129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Actually, most of the black horses WERE stolen. Check the chapter, "The Riders of Rohan" Quote: Some years ago the Lord of the Black Land wishedto purchase horses of us at great price, by we refused him, for he puts pure beasts to evil use. Then he sent plundering Orcs, and they carry off what they can, choosing always the black horses: few of these are now left. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adam (aka) av_nefardec -= Wildfire Games =- {The Last Alliance} Project Leader http://www.wildfiregames.com/tla hamburgler Forumer Location: Rockville, MD posted 01-28-03 01:23 AM EDT (US) 40 / 129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Heh well I guess I was right then ...hmmm it says not all of them were stolen so I dunno if this suggestion is valid or not. But I think it would have a nice effect if the forces of good had all white/grey/brown horses, while evil had all black. Just a pretty minor detail though, no use to change something like this if it has already been done. [This message has been edited by hamburgler (edited 01-28-2003 @ 01:24 AM).] av_nefardec Forumer Location: Ohio, USA posted 01-28-03 12:10 PM EDT (US) 41 / 129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- That's pretty much what we had in mind for horses. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adam (aka) av_nefardec -= Wildfire Games =- {The Last Alliance} Project Leader http://www.wildfiregames.com/tla gehrig Forumer posted 01-28-03 12:41 PM EDT (US) 42 / 129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I was thinking about putting this site up on Betawatcher.com as a new and upcoming game. When will there be a test phase? And will it be open???? Also, this game intends to be freeware? Blackknight_282 Forumer Location: Kentucky posted 01-31-03 04:18 PM EDT (US) 43 / 129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have a sugestion. What if instead of the buildings just burning, like in aok, they acctually detiriorat. Get cracks etc. I'm not sure how feasible this would be though. Black Hawk Forumer Location: Netherlands posted 01-31-03 04:37 PM EDT (US) 44 / 129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- maby with texture maps hamburgler Forumer Location: Rockville, MD posted 01-31-03 05:53 PM EDT (US) 45 / 129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey I have a few questions on maps/unit speed. Here they are: 1. How big are these maps gonna be? 2. If they're huge will the unit speed reflect that? Like if your allies town is attacked by surprise, and your town is relatively far away, will it take some time to get there? Not just 30 seconds to travel an army across the map. 3. Will units go faster on some terrain than on others? I'm sure a party of riders would go faster over plains than over mountains (which I hope is in the game for the dwarves sake). 4. Also, if they're big, are the players going to have a lot of room to expand and such before they meet another players area, as in they're not exactly neighbors to begin with? eh, I'll think of some more later, but thanks. Daewyn Forumer Location: Rockville, MD posted 01-31-03 07:05 PM EDT (US) 46 / 129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Regarding unit movement; the game would feel much more realistic if the maps were of considerable size and the units moved at a corresponding pace, thinking that it should take awhile for an army to get to an allies location if they are in danger. Having that distance between civs will make it more difficult to overcome an opponents defences as the army has to travel a great distance and fight away from home. Maybe have travel factors aswell, perils that the armies face on their long marches, whether it be from stray creatures or natural calamities. I personally have preferred a defensive philosophy in most strategy games, and I want to make sure that it wont prove futile in this game. With the greater distance also comes the greater challenge of maintaining those alliances through helping your friends, possibly necessitating outposts or barracks in each of your allies towns. The movement rate of certain units should really be tremendously affected by terrain, forcing armies to march along paths that arent exactly direct, lengthening the time they spend from home. I guess that could be reflected in morale, although i dont expect armies of darkness to miss their dark environment, but rather become more aggravated and strengthened at the sight of the beauty and light of the surrounding world. Maybe incorporate mountain passes that can be gaurded by towers, that would make for a good strategic position that could be focused on to decide the outcome of a battle. Those little things that make it more realistic, and discourage full-fledged assault, are my strongest advice (for now at least) for a more enjoyable game. Blackknight_282 Forumer Location: Kentucky posted 01-31-03 09:13 PM EDT (US) 47 / 129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I too would like to see large maps so that it takes a while to get from place to place. The thing that always bugged me about AoK is that they describe all of this trade and alliances between civs but it never plays like that. Some team alway just rushes or they ignor you and attack. av_nefardec Forumer Location: Ohio, USA posted 01-31-03 11:30 PM EDT (US) 48 / 129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yes, terrain will change movement of units. Large maps are a good thing. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adam (aka) av_nefardec -= Wildfire Games =- {The Last Alliance} Project Leader http://www.wildfiregames.com/tla hamburgler Forumer Location: Rockville, MD posted 02-01-03 02:28 PM EDT (US) 49 / 129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- One other question, will your ally have your LOS too? Lets say your under attack, does your ally automatically know this, or would you send a messenger to his city requesting aid? I for one favor the messenger idea. Granted it would be some what of a hassle, but I think it makes sense for this game. haha hey kirill (daewyn)...shadow maiden, correct? always knew u were a pansy [This message has been edited by hamburgler (edited 02-01-2003 @ 02:33 PM).] Daewyn Forumer Location: Rockville, MD posted 02-01-03 05:19 PM EDT (US) 50 / 129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Definitely implement some sort of messenger system into the communication between allies, and enemies (for parleys and truces, that sort of thing). It would simply make the game much more fulfilling, having the opportunity to speak with another leader through a messenger or envoy rather than with a simple click of the mouse. On this topic, maybe you could design some sort of aerial communication, like with carrier pidgeons (obviously some other bird species would work much better here). But either way, a messenger is a must. Neema, just because my name is so obviously better than yours and actually has some relevance to our topic, it doesnt give you the right to exemplify my pansiness. Topic Subject: Suggestions/Questions/Comments Box « Previous Page 1 2 3 4 5 ··· 6 Next Page » av_nefardec Forumer Location: Ohio, USA posted 11-27-02 09:23 PM EDT (US) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please post your comments, suggestions, etc. in this thread. Your opinion can help make the game the best it can be. However, remember that TLA has been in development for some time (more than a year now), so unless it is extremely necessary, major changes to existing things are probably futile. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adam (aka) av_nefardec -= WildFire Games =- {The Last Alliance} Project Leader [This message has been edited by av_nefardec (edited 06-17-2003 @ 09:38 PM).] Author Replies: hamburgler Forumer Location: Rockville, MD posted 02-01-03 05:37 PM EDT (US) 51 / 129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Last time I checked they had a messenger type person, so we can speak to the leaders already Kirill. I'm just saying that these messengers should replace having your allies LOS...and if this game becomes MP, you would have to type a message and send it to the other player via messenger, or make it so you can have free chat with the other player only when your messenger is there (if the first idea would take too long). And I don't think you realize the greatness of my incorrectly spelled name... *goes to translate hamburglar* [This message has been edited by hamburgler (edited 02-01-2003 @ 05:40 PM).] av_nefardec Forumer Location: Ohio, USA posted 02-01-03 06:22 PM EDT (US) 52 / 129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yeah, if you take a look at some previous things on the forum, you'll see that every civilization has a diplomat/envoy/messenger unit. To change diplomatic status with another civilization, you must physically make contact using this unit. The unit is invulnerable until after it has relayed its message. We have not yet decided, however, if some notably evil civilizations will have an (expensive) option to kill a messenger on sight. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adam (aka) av_nefardec -= Wildfire Games =- {The Last Alliance} Project Leader http://www.wildfiregames.com/tla hamburgler Forumer Location: Rockville, MD posted 02-01-03 06:49 PM EDT (US) 53 / 129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yes, but will you have your allies LOS or will you have to use a messenger to tell your army of an attack and such av_nefardec Forumer Location: Ohio, USA posted 02-01-03 07:03 PM EDT (US) 54 / 129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- That's something that must be discussed yet. The thing is, in a game, attacks happen very quickly and this would render an ally unable to aid any of his friends. Perhaps a technology called "Beacons" or something similar that allows you to gain an ally's LoS? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adam (aka) av_nefardec -= Wildfire Games =- {The Last Alliance} Project Leader http://www.wildfiregames.com/tla hamburgler Forumer Location: Rockville, MD posted 02-01-03 07:57 PM EDT (US) 55 / 129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hmmm having the messenger system would also increase the necessity of scouting, although this could lead to an annoying amount of micromanagement on controlling the scouts part...well you could always have outposts or something? I suppose a researchable tech, which hopefully would be expensive, could be another option. Daewyn Forumer Location: Rockville, MD posted 02-01-03 08:15 PM EDT (US) 56 / 129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorry for bringing that up again, I mistook hamburgler's comment, and I havent had a chance to observe all of the threads yet. But I am glad that such a thing will be installed in the game. About the shared LOS, although I see your point that with the rapidness of attacks, allies wont have a chance to get the word out for help nor will they be able to respond with adequate haste, having a shared LOS with an ally would be too forced and unrealistic. I dont agree with the technology advancement for it either, I dont see anyway that someone could research something to scry another's location and see all the movement within it. Possibly a temporary device similar to the one in Starcraft. But that would seem more like a spell, and I dont know if you want clairvoyance or other spells to intrude on the strategy aspect of this game. I had an idea where you could assign birds or some other small creature to a forest square to live in. If that square was say in between an ally's position and an enemy's, the creature would be alerted if the enemy passed by that square. When alerted that creature would fly back to its master and inform him of the approaching armies. Then the player could take any precautionary steps needed, or send out aid to an ally. I dont know how functional this is, but it might make the game more intricate while maintaining its realism. av_nefardec Forumer Location: Ohio, USA posted 02-01-03 08:45 PM EDT (US) 57 / 129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I know hawks have been used for this purpose, but games can only get so close to realism (with this limited technology in game development) before they lose what makes them fun. I think this is an instance in which the player would become frustrated or annoyed by what he can't see; in the real-world situation, time would take years and messengers could be sent out, but since games take minutes (hours for good games ), this would simply be impractical, and it would deter any player from making an alliance in the first place. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adam (aka) av_nefardec -= Wildfire Games =- {The Last Alliance} Project Leader http://www.wildfiregames.com/tla Daewyn Forumer Location: Rockville, MD posted 02-01-03 09:16 PM EDT (US) 58 / 129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I understand your point, but I dont mean forcing an incredible amount of micromanagement on the player, but rather giving the player more options for controlling his empire. I see how it would be harder to accomplish anything in alliances without shared LOS, but many games have that option of having it or not, which could be done here as well. Another way of seeing it though, would be counteract the slowness of the messenger communication system with a slower attack rate (by attack I mean the time and frequency with which armies can march against the enemy, fight and then rebuild). I want a chance to be thoroughly aroused by the splendor of my marching army before it gets demolished. hamburgler Forumer Location: Rockville, MD posted 02-02-03 09:44 PM EDT (US) 59 / 129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quote: I want a chance to be thoroughly aroused by the splendor of my marching army before it gets demolished. I couldn't say it better myself *claps* [This message has been edited by hamburgler (edited 02-02-2003 @ 09:45 PM).] Frumpus Forumer Location: Saskatoon, SK, Canad posted 02-03-03 01:00 AM EDT (US) 60 / 129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I assume the 7 palantiri will be used for Gondor/Arnor at least? Unfinished Tales has some very cool info about how they work, and the differences between various palantiri stones (i.e. some have "fixed" distances they see; some larger ones can "zoom" much further, and THROUGH mountains, as long as there is "light" at the place they focus on, IIRC.) Apart from that, a "beacon" system sounds pretty realistic. Q: will there be an overhead command/mini-map ALA Starcraft? Idea: Perhaps outposts (upgradeable to "beacons" when researched, and useful when you have allied with someone) could act like towers (adding a VAST increase to LOS when setup on "high ground" - anyone remember Tribes2? This had a GREAT system for sensors and such, They were realistic/sensitive to hilltops and valleys and crevices, plus they showed up on the command map) to give advance warning. **You'd need REALLY large maps for this to work correctly, and quite slow-ish armies.** Outposts can improve your OWN LOS, but aren't useful to an ally until you upgrade them to "beacons" (OR,. . .maybe they automatically can be "beacons" if you become allied?) AND,. . . have "chosen" to allow him to view your beacons. So, BEFORE any alliances are made, envoys/messengers MUST be used to transfer info to another civ, but after you have allied, you have the "option" of allowing your beacons' LOS to be used by an ally, and visa versa. However, beacons could only be used for simple communication though, i.e. "warning, enemy approaching". When an enemy is spotted, an alarm/bugle/horn is sounded? (. . . Ahh, the Hornburg), or possibly a fire is set atop the beacons when enemies are seen (or for Dru'edain, drums). ONLY when an ally's beacons see an emey are "lit" will they become "lit", and give warning on the command map (or if there won't be an overhead map in this game, you'll just get a warning message diplayed, with direction and ETA of armies, etc.) **The PROBLEM with forcing communication via messengers/low-tech beacons comes especially with multiplayer, right? People can use voice interface programs (i.e. Roger Wilco, GameVoice, etc.) to chat REAL-TIME, by-passing any chat restrictions made by the game. ------ Also, for LONG marches (i.e. 40 leagues, 100 leagues --what IS a "league" anyway 40 leagues = ~100miles?), the army should have to caravan supplies and such (modern-day equivalent of fuel and ammo, and foodstuffs) Hmm, now that would bring a whole different feeling to the game. .. Will units need to sleep? to rest? to eat? BBD2K1 Forumer Location: Quartzon posted 02-03-03 11:00 AM EDT (US) 61 / 129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- That Palantir idea is great. If you could "build" the palantir with, like, heros in strategic places, like a pass through a mountain that is the most efficiant way to enter your base with an army, and it would sound an alarm if more than 10 enemy soldiers or something like that came through. IT would really be cheap if the enemy was planning on a suprise attack, seeing as in my mind, only you and your allies can see the palantir, unlike watch towers (Or whatever you're planning on calling them). But it would be a great perk for Gondor/Arnor. Also I think that that last idea might be a bit too real for the player. Plus, imagine the bugs that Evil would be able to take advantage of... For they might be right about to enter a battle, and it becomes night. And they fall asleep, while the Evil army (which I'm assuming would sleep in the day, and move in the night) would wake up and slaughter half the other army before they even awaken. very cheap. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- D00D; Offical Comic Book Molester. Woad Creations|Wildfire Games| "You're a bag filled with cheezy flavored insanity" - Kor "OMG D00D I R0Xorz j00r fgt n00b aZZ omg lolololololrfol!!!~`1!!" - The Rasher If I were Gay, I'd answer your calls, but I'm not Gay, so please stop cupping my... hands. The only remaining X-Men crazed person in the Eastern US. av_nefardec Forumer Location: Ohio, USA posted 02-03-03 09:25 PM EDT (US) 62 / 129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yes, the Palantiri are in the game - as the epic structure of second-age high-men. The actual structure is the seven towers that held the seeing stones. You can place them around the map, but they must be in a certain distance to one another. Your beacon idea is really superb. I very much would like to see something like this in-game. You build beacons that "light-up" when they see an enemy. This really just uncovers the map around it. Remember, that normally explored land is "forgotten" after a certain amount of time (different units remember longer). This would be a great tool to counter that. Also, according to the Unfinished tales, there were two types of seeing stones: those whose field of view was fixed, and those who could move their field of view freely. There will be both types, the latter being more expensive. It would be cool if beacons could be activated manually, and the signal would travel from beacon to beacon like a line of communication. This could be used to alert allies. Also, about the map idea, I'll probably email you privately. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adam (aka) av_nefardec -= Wildfire Games =- {The Last Alliance} Project Leader http://www.wildfiregames.com/tla Enarwaen Forumer Location: Austria posted 02-04-03 03:21 AM EDT (US) 63 / 129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I like this idea with the beacons very much - they should be definitly included in the game. One thing to consider - should they be manned w/ atleast one unit or could they function on their own? We'll have to walk the fine line between realism and having fun while playing the game. hamburgler Forumer Location: Rockville, MD posted 02-04-03 02:59 PM EDT (US) 64 / 129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well...I see Adam favors the beacon idea compared to the messenger. For this I recommend that beacons are manned, and when enemies come in their LOS, they would automatically sound a horn (the enemies could hear this too, and beacons could be disabled manually, lets say if you wanted to ambush an enemy army). This horn would alert all players within a certain/semi-realisitic distance. Once this horn is sounded, it could cause a some-what chain reaction of beacons (one is heard, another near by beacon is then sounded, this beacon alerts another beacon, and so on). As long as players keep their beacons manned and mantain no gaps in this "chain" so to speak, the alert will eventually be heard by their allies, which will then venture out to their aid. Horns/Beacon LOS could be upgraded if necessary to have a wider area of affect. But note for this idea you would still NOT have your allies LOS. I think this idea mantains a sense of realism while not forcing annoying micromanagment on the player. hamburgler Forumer Location: Rockville, MD posted 02-04-03 03:07 PM EDT (US) 65 / 129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- haha crap...Adam already said it. And I thought I had a new idea lol. Should beacons have to be set off manually? I would think that most players wouldn't be paying attention to their mini-map or their outlying beacons too often. But I do think that the player should be able to sound the horn manually even when there is no enemy (if there was, it would sound automatically, unless disabled). This way if he had seen the enemies army on the march before, lets say with a scout or something, he could have alerted his ally prematurely and have his ally along side his own forces before the enemy arrives for battle. I'm sure this would piss off the attacker quite a bit, to arrive and find their ally well prepared, forcing the attacker to take less-traveled paths to be undetected by scouts...this idea could add a lot of flavor and strategy to the game if you ask me. av_nefardec Forumer Location: Ohio, USA posted 02-04-03 06:16 PM EDT (US) 66 / 129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here's my newest opinion: First I think they should be manned. For that matter, I also think regular outposts should be manned to have a LoS. Walls are also like this, they have no actual LoS, since they are just pieces of stone/wood. To give them LoS, you put men on the walls. For regular buildings, it's assumed that villagers we don't see on screen are always in and out of them, so we give normal buildings a LoS. Second, I changed my mind to what I originally said - beacons should be automatic once soldiers are in them. The horn will also sound automatically, and every civ's horn will be different, so you would know if you heard a High Men horn, or an Elven horn. You could not hear the horn unless one of your buildings or units was in range of the beacon it came from. You could only hear allies' horns from afar, but if you had units or buildings in range of other horns, you could hear those too. Furthermore - which civs should have this? All? And the messenger is an integral part of the TLA diplomatic system, so that won't be taken out. The beacon is simply a quicker method of communication, but it can't declare war on an enemy, offer the olive branch, or create a blood alliance with a good friend, for instance. Messegeners will still be used for the formal diplomatic processes. And if you're wondering about diplomacy, don't worry, the newest info will be on these forums very soon. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adam (aka) av_nefardec -= Wildfire Games =- {The Last Alliance} Project Leader http://www.wildfiregames.com/tla hamburgler Forumer Location: Rockville, MD posted 02-04-03 08:21 PM EDT (US) 67 / 129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wouldn't all the civs need this - for balance? Definately all civs should have a seperate horn...hey, what would you say to giving captains or their equivalents in the game (dont have the list of units in front of me, heh whens that civ list gonna be updated ) a horn, with basically the same use a beacon would have? Maybe they could also raise friendly troop moral while doing the opposite for the enemy? darn, that would be awesome...hearing horns blow in battle and watching your enemies get struck with fear *drools...thinks back to kirills getting aroused from army comment* Definately unmanned walls should have no LOS. Looking forward to that diplomacy info but anyways, does this idea for the layout of these beacons/horns make sense to you all? av_nefardec Forumer Location: Ohio, USA posted 02-04-03 08:26 PM EDT (US) 68 / 129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some of the civs already are very powerful, and it would be a useful tool to balance them. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adam (aka) av_nefardec -= Wildfire Games =- {The Last Alliance} Project Leader http://www.wildfiregames.com/tla hamburgler Forumer Location: Rockville, MD posted 02-04-03 08:39 PM EDT (US) 69 / 129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Heh that was quick Which civs would you say are overpowered (jw)? eh, and to the rest of my questions please? And I'm sure you get this from just about all the loyals here at the forum, and your gonna say you dont need it, but I'm gonna offer my help on the civ lists or something if you need it (any news on whether you need those farsi translations?). av_nefardec Forumer Location: Ohio, USA posted 02-04-03 08:53 PM EDT (US) 70 / 129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorry, We'll find out if we need those translations a bit down the road yet. Some of the civs that are overpowered: First age Forces of Darkness - with balrogs, dragons, underground, etc. Second age high men are going to be pretty powerful, but this will be needed for them. We're going to counter their powerful nature with high costs and lengthy creation times, as well as a lower population cap. I can't picture a dwarven beacon, any ideas on this? As for captains having horns - cool idea. It would be an ability that cannot be used for a short period of time after it's used once before and it would increase your morale and decrease enemy morale. By layout, are you referring to the chain system? And you are certainly welcome to contribute to any of our ideas on the forums, but our civ lists are pretty much concrete by now. (it's a shame you weren't here back in september ). If you're looking for an official position on the team, you'd have to formally apply and then we'd have to review your application to see whether you would benefit the project most on the team or as a forumer. That application is at: http://www.wildfiregames.com/tla/hire.php -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adam (aka) av_nefardec -= Wildfire Games =- {The Last Alliance} Project Leader http://www.wildfiregames.com/tla [This message has been edited by av_nefardec (edited 02-04-2003 @ 08:56 PM).] Fitzgooberdood Forumer posted 02-04-03 09:20 PM EDT (US) 71 / 129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quoted from Av_nefardec: First I think they should be manned. For that matter, I also think regular outposts should be manned to have a LoS. I have an idea that would, in my humble opinion, add greatly to the beacons. Firstly, they should be in the shape of towers. If you put a person into a beacon-tower he cannot see in a ring around it. Instead, he can only look in a fan shaped area. When selected, there are options as follows; Target: this centers the LoS on one fan shaped area, such as a pass in a mountain. Guard: this option lets you select two points and the fan moves slowly back and forth between the two. Patrol (need a better name for it): This is default and causes the fan to go in circles around the beacon-tower. When you had more than one person inside, there would be more LoS fans so it would be profitable to get at least two people into a beacon-tower if it didn't have any n
Hey Im Here, Now The Party Can Start :)
PyRoDooD replied to PyRoDooD's topic in Introductions & Off-Topic Discussion
hey, thanks for all the welcomes. and i think ill check into blitz basic. thx. -
K thx for your replies, i was talking bout TLA and sry for posting bout bridges... i should of looked on other forum. anyway thx again.
Well, I know that most of all the suggestions are done and your now in the "building" phase, but I have a neat idea! How bout adding bridges to the games? like the engineer could make them to cross. In the 3rd age, mordor built them at osgiliath. like temporary bridges that decay over time and collapses. just an idea. if u like it, post here and tell me.