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Tiro (1/14)



  1. You can use farmsteads instead. I remember stone walls giving territory too. You can do two kennels each time you do this.
  2. I was able to build them in alpha 27, they have been added back it appears. They were not in alpha 26 I remember.
  3. Thanks for this information. I must have been wrong in that bug.
  4. I was playing a27 and did not test that either, just assumed based on past alphas. If this makes it so buildings do not decay to Gaia when not near a territory root then it would. I can not confirm what this does though right now. I assume it prevents you from changing teams which would not fix any exploits. This does not rely on soldiers but the fact that all buildings with no territory root near convert to Gaia. This bypasses the limit on dogs as each kennel gives 10 more to the limit now, I have tested this and made 100 dogs with ten kennels. This should bypass fort limits too but I have not tested that. It is mostly impractical in competitive games, but I believe that dog kennels are exploitable enough to be potentially competitive. Dog kennels are super easy to convert, small, and don't even require a tower as a few farmsteads can allow you to remove them from your border. In longer games with more people this becomes stronger.
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