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Posts posted by Draaglom

  1. Interesting question. I would describe my political views as "socialist", and as such the Scandinavian countries look nice - and they tend to top the charts in terms of quality-of-life indexes.

    Otherwise, China seems to be where things are going to be happening over the next few decades - that and maybe South America.

    So I think politically I'd be drawn to somewhere like Norway, curiosity would send me to China and as a pasty, rained-on english person, sunny Brazil looks quite nice!

  2. I would say, ethically speaking, piracy (of the electronic rather than the fast boats and AK-47s variety) is fairly neutral. It cannot actively harm the owner of the copyright, and indeed benefits the copyright holder at times with the publicity (not to mention the obvious benefits to the pirate).

    However, allowing piracy to become more accepted might well also lead to a "devaluation" of the pirated media in question in the minds of society (a universal "why pay when I'm pretty much allowed to get it for free") - and unless there is something to counterbalance this idea you end up with the free rider problem, and that really would be bad for everyone involved.

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