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  1. Hello, Thanks all for helping ! For git it's fixed ! I feel pretty dumb missing that part on the wiki I will retry for wxwidgets later I fell pretty sick recently and can't be too much time on my computer Thanks again
  2. Hello, I have some struggles when trying to build Atlas on Windows 11 / VS 2022 I have read the Instruction here : https://gitea.wildfiregames.com/0ad/0ad/wiki/BuildInstructions#building-atlas (and also https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/BuildInstructions#BuildingAtlas just in case) I don't really have knowledge on C++ building and co so I'm probably missing some obvious step I have downloaded wxwidgets "latest stable release (3.2.6)", opened build\msw\wx_vc15.sln and following the build instruction (Debug / Release) and copy lib\ include\ in the corresponding folders (no error/ difficulty at this moment) when running : 'update-workspaces.bat --atlas' I just get an "Error: invalid option 'atlas'", also tried to edit the .bat to add the --atlas directly in the premake command, same thing ... I launched without the --atlas options,( I tested removing the lib \include folders, and the script tell me "wxWidgets not found, disableing atlas", so I guess the --atlas is simply not required anymore ? ) but now, when trying to build "atlas" (I tested all Atlas*, I don't even know what I have to do) I got a bunch of LNK 2001 / LINK2019 error on AtlasUI (and no AtlasUI.dll builded) I also tried with "wxwidgets older stable release (3.0.5)", since the readme suggest 3.0.4 or above, but it didn't provide "wx_vc15.sln" (max wx_vc12.sln) so ... And I can't launch the scenario editor from the builded game ("Not available or failed to load") I just don't know what I'm missing And, I take the opportunity, I have also some trouble with git (lfs) since, maybe two day ? when trying to rebase my local branch on upstream (your repo) I got errors ! I don't really think I have broken something on my side, It worked like a charm since my last PR ? Error downloading object: binaries/data/mods/public/maps/scenarios/triggers_demo.xml (597f783): Smudge error: Error downloading binaries/data/mods/public/maps/scenarios/triggers_demo.xml (597f783921069100aeffa31ed33d300 5c2bc3d5298020ae2e805752bdb25bebc): [597f783921069100aeffa31ed33d3005c2bc3d5298020ae2e805752bdb25bebc] Not Found: [404] Not Found
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