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Everything posted by heavy

  1. in rise of natios most of the units where like 3 in one
  2. mmmm...from what I read seems to have some similarities with imperivm but using more than one culture may not be if, but probably someone can create a mod
  3. if you read the roman history, there are various generals, commanders, and empreros with great strategies like caesar,aetius,marcus antonius,pompeius,scipio africanus,claudius nero germanicus,etc......... one of the strategies was a formation called turttle shell to resist arrows,spears,stones,etc. and the chinesse crossbows is a great adventage in the battle but i doubt that they can stop various legions
  4. actually the romans have some of the best tactics of the ancient world......compared with the chinesse tactics, the romans ere more advanced
  5. and what about the ability to construct roads wich can be used as trade routes or give some speed bonus to the units??
  6. yeah it would change dramatically the gameplay, but thats the point.....i think it must be a diferente game with some ideas from otrher games la age of empires,imperivm III,civilization,all concepts in one rts game
  7. i like the games like civilization with more than 4 resources some ideas: -food (animals,farms,fishing.......for upgrades,units) -wood (for buildings,upgrades and buildings) -steel (mines, for units and upgrades) -wealth (mines,trade....buy resources,upgrades and buildings) -stone (mines, buildings) -water (next to rivers,with aqueducts,needed for some buildings,unit hit points,etc...) in the water for example it would be cool to create water channels for eye candy or defenseive purposes and stone to create buildings like walls,monuments and bridges sorry for my english xD
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