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Posts posted by Surt

  1. hmm....i have a small idea.


    A pretty standard infantry, but with a high cost, cause he's created on ships.

    When created he garrisons on the ship, and you have a number of slots for like 10-15 marines. You can unload him close to the shoreline.

    It would be a great unit for naval invasions, and a great surprice tactic, but he would be expensive and medium strong to balance it out.

    I got the inspiration from reading some Osprey books about that era, and they depicted some marines from sparta, and persia, so i'm sure it wouldn't be so hard creating their looks :)

    I can find some scans anyways :D

  2. Hej Daniel - godt at se flere skandinaver i nærheden - og så endda Jylland ligesom mig? Hvorhenne? Jeg er selv århusianer..

    Fedt nok at man kan tale dansk uden at blive smidt ud, he he :)

    Jeg bor i esbjerg, har dog været i århus før, og universitetet lokker lidt, men de har ikke så mange historiske @#$% som Kbh, hvilket er ærgeligt

    Jeg syntes også det er fedt at se en anden dansker på det "internationale net", det sker ret så sjæln'

  3. Attila was fairly interesting, evevn though it had it's flaws.

    Troy was also pretty cool, and they weren't as "hollywood creative" as i had expected.

    King Arthur looks shabby, and i have no doubt that it is. It looks like an episode of xena, and i find it appaling that they claim it to be a historical movie.

    I have high expectations for Alexander, and hope they cut down on the love stories(and not just cause he had a male lover ;-))

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