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Posts posted by Tahattus

  1. 13) Buildings will attack with boiling oil or murderer holes?

    PS: If "boiling oil" at least make it boil yellow and flaming red. aom's seems to be a "pepper shower".

    Ore: Ugh name. Wouldnt "gold" be better? In aok and aom gold represents all the metal in the game.

    14) Do not try to make the game as real as possible. Remember that reality sometimes sucks. I hope you dont create a limit of arrows an archer can carry...

    15) I think that the name of the units would be better this way:

    ---------John Smith-------

    ------Neyzedar Madi-----


  2. Amazing project. It really makes me cry. But yesterday i discovered that Mythos Ruler is a robot, so i don't have to worry about his superior AI.

    --- Tahattian Ideas... ---

    1) Weather: Maybe only in scenarios, you must put rain, snow...

    o> Rpg Maker 2003 has an interesting weather. You can choose "light", "medium" or "strong" rain and snow. Also, instead of an object, "rain" is an effect that is "frozen" on the screen (let me see if you can understand): The rain follows the camera instead of rain everywhere; this is not that good at scenario design, but rain is rain and it'll reduce the lag.

    2) Do not name units "swordsman", "archer", "cavalry boy" please! Search for their real names, like toxotes.

    3) Your game seems to be almost exacly as AOK. You must create more new things. I liked the season idea. I hope that it'll affect farms, won't it?

    4) Don't forget the statues, columns, shrines... those useless things are really useful.

    5) :D fishing please... let the villies fish....

    6) Some buildings are really big. There's no need to be "real sized" (I also mean 99% the original size... uh)

    7) The rocks are amazing, but some trees seems to be made of plastic.

    8) Sky. Put the sky option like Warcraft 3: It has an enormous number of skies, I think it's 20.

    9) Caves! Enable the player to design caves.

    10) What are the resources you can gather? Still the same, gold, wood and food?

    11) Please, don't make a game like this:

    o> "Skirmishers are good against toxotes, roman archers, roman cavalry, celt cavalry, infantry but THEY'RE NOT GOOD against celt archers, roman infantry..."

    /\ Aok sucked because that's too hard! Aom was much simple: "Good against archers and cavalry".

    I hope you've liked it.

    12) And please... forget about this:

    "Player 3: If you don't give me 10000000 of each resouce I'll go there and kill everyone..."

    /\ Like that stupid AI on Aok.

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