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Posts posted by sips1s

  1. Also Athenians used to pronounce vowels like Iota,Eta and Ypsilon as I in Pit, but Spartans pronounced them as A in Crap*.

    So this is why Spartans said "'Η ταν 'η επι τας" (i tan i epi tas) and athenians pronounced it as "'Η την 'η επι τής" (i tin i epi tis)

  2. Beta {B} like V in Vertical

    Delta {D} like TH in The

    Theta {Q} like TH in Thorough

    Rho {R} like R in Rough without aspiration

    Upsilon {U} is more like Ypsilon

    Phi {F} like F in Fail

    Chi {X} like the ch in the Scottish word loch, without aspiration

    Iota,Eta and Ypsilon sound like I in pit

    Omega and Omicron sound like O in pot, but in ancient Greek(Hellenic) Omega was dragged out(o for the sound -mega for big/long) and Omicron was short(o for the sound -micron for small/short)

  3. Hello, i am not into this kind of thing(battlecries and stuff) but if any1 wants any help with the Hellenic battlecries dialect or words he can definately contact me cause i am Greek. Feel free to ask for any help.


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