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  1. so, I was looking for 0ad civs and I found this: https://wildfiregames.com/forum/topic/11297-wildfire-games-application-form/ Then I found this: https://wildfiregames.com/forum/topic/114214-make-a-official-discord-server-please/ This made me want to help and actually make an account here. I have very few friends who play this game. 2 of them sent me screenshots and videos. I can't run the game on my pc. Not even older version of the game. But for some reasons I like it. I liked it so much, that I kept on eye on it for 4 years. I have a solution for your problem with discord server. You see, forums > discord, because search engines can't index discord messages. But people like to play in voice chat with others. My solution to you is to create a official or unofficial (but supported) discord server. Create ONLY voice chat channels. No text. (not even a staff/admin text channel) This way players can play with others with VC. But nobody will choose to text there over forum. This way everyone who wants to post, will come here. When server gets enough members and gets verified by discord, it gets featured on discord official guilds. Means, more exposure for the game. I was a discord dev and community manager in the past. Allow me to be part of this
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