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Everything posted by Cayleb-Ordo

  1. Ok, then ill keep that. Only thing left now is to get the hang with Phabricator .
  2. @Stan` regarding the docs Pipeline, is it necessary to build pyrogenesis? Or could that be removed and only build doxygen and the entity docs?
  3. So, i tried to understand where to put the new Dockerfile. I located the build Pipeline for the Dockers, but the docs-Docker is not build there. My current understanding of the Pipelines is that in order to add a new Docker Image, i have to add it to the build-docker Pipeline and modify the Docs Pipeline. But i did not get where i can tell the Pipeline which image should be used. It would be great if i could be corrected if i am wrong. By the way, interesting way to use zfs pools. Never seen them used like this before.
  4. Unterstood, then I will create a dockerfile only for the documentation. If i have time, i will test it with a self hosted jenkins server. Thought i give you the latest version of it.
  5. @hyperion Do you know which is the right contact person to talk about changing this?
  6. is there a way to test the ci stuff? I saw the docker files and they are on debian buster, which is old old stable.
  7. I think it is more cross-platform and with the fetch_content we could get the doxygen-theme easily. Edit: Indeed, it is very simple to integrate the theme using cmake fetch_content.
  8. I think the Todo List is automatically generated by Doxygen if something is marked with "@todo". It can be disabled in the doxygen config. I created a CMake File, that could also be used in a ci and locally. That limits the Version Numbering if used automatically to numbers. It could be set manually, if there is no "real" Version number. Ill try that. Another thing i dont realy know is, how the SVN can handle git submodules. The doxygen-awesome-css could be bundled like other libs already are, but i think the submodule option is the cleanest.
  9. I have finished a first draft. It would be great if you could give me some feedback. The links in the third_party Section point to their specific Github Page. I borrowed the logo from the website repository. Also, i dont know the current Version of the Engine, so i filled it with a placeholder.
  10. Ok, i will try it without including the third_partys. Regarding the Style, it only "updates" the visual of Doxygen, not the structure. Thats why i love it so much .
  11. In my personal Projects i have started to use this Doxygen style Theme: https://github.com/jothepro/doxygen-awesome-css . I wanted to try it with the Pyrogenesis Doxygen, but i found that a vulkan header is always the Main Page of the doxygen. Is that wanted or could that be changed. The header in question is source/third_party/vma/vk_mem_alloc.h. I could not find any issues/requirements regarding the doxygen Policy.
  12. I pulled the sources from GitHub, compiled it and run a map. For testing i sent my units to the enemy territory and wanted to capture a warehouse. I could not get the capture symbol when hovering over the building, only the attack symbol. Is this normal behavior or not?
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