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Posts posted by Calefaction

  1. It's actually very in-depth if you know Warhammer 40K and by proxy know how the various units are meant to be used. For instance, I have two RL 40K armies (Eldar and Space Marines), and I was able to easily translate my TT tactics in to DoW for the most part.

    Learning the little tricks of each race can be very involving. It is a very combat oriented RTS though, it's meant to simulate seriously bloody battles between batteled hardened forces...and in that respect I think it executes flawlessly. Watching the battles as they take place can be breathtaking, especially when you notice how much detail even the lowliest model has in it's animations.

  2. The problem with some religiouns, Islam being one of them, is that their teachings condone and in some cases call for fanatacism. Any religion that actively seeks to cause people to be fanatics is going to try and buck the system at any turn. If you look at the Muslim religion in terms of it's age, this is not much of a surprise. Every religion has had its 'crusade' period, where it has gone out in a fanatic manner and tried to bend the world to it's will. Given the relative infancy of the Muslim religion compared to Christianity and Jewdism, this actually makes sense.

    The problem that Muslim's are goint to find is that unlike 800 years ago when the Christians had their Crusaude, people in the western world are much more well informed and will push back against any religion trying to change their way of life, Muslim or otherwise. If you look at the world's history you will see that the world's current troubles, in regards to a religion causing them, are not new. We have been through this before, and no doubt we will go through it again when some new religion comes to power.

  3. So, what are your thoughts on this in the US? Why is this never enforced, especially when it comes to Christianity. It's very obvious that US is a "Christian State", as many many many of our laws are based directly on Christian doctrine. I personally think the founding fathers would be rolling in their graves if they saw all the morality laws that existed on the US ledgers in this day and age. Ten Commandments plaques in front of state buildings? Uhh, hello government officials...the state is not allowed to endorce a religion.

    I personally find the whole thing very frustrating, as I am not a practicing Christian, and I do not feel that my life should be governed based on Christian doctrine, as much of it is now.

  4. One of the biggest problem with the United States in general is that we all seem to forget a very important part of our independence documents..."Seperation of Church and State". The Christian community in this country seems to think it doesn't apply to them. I mean, it must mean every OTHER religion, except Christianity. It's really very frustrating for people like me who really want a seperation of state and ANY CHURCH.

  5. Sad story ;)

    Though how come you think that Church is brainwashing? I believe in God, and i think you should study the Bible and that stuff before you say its bull.

    Though what about your real parents?

    Because church is brainwashing? :) You actually listen to some guy in a suit who tells you that if you don't live life exactly like he tells you to, you are going to hell? Especially since history has told us he is probably one of the most amoral people IN the church.

    Oh, and I have read the Bible. Remember, I was forced to go to church when I was young...I have been shoveled the same crap my entire life about religion and how if we don't do exactly what the sunday school teacher told us, and if we didn't except Jesus right then, we would go to hell. That's enough to scare any 8 year old in to believing anything you say, yet Christians use these kind of scare tactics daily to get little kids to "commit to the faith". It's really very sick.

    Regardless, this thread isn't about religion, it's about parents ;)

  6. Avalon isn't replacing DirectX...Avalon is not a 3D API, it's a GUI API which is going to replace the archaic GDI. Avalon will use DirectX as it's HAL substrate. This will allow games and the Windows GUI to make full use of modern graphics hardware.

  7. Even the MozillaZine forums suggest that Firefox is inferior to Mozilla. Mozilla is a 10 MB download, while Firefox is < 3 MB. I recently downloaded Firefox just to see how good it really was. Truth is, Firefox is an IE clone with tabbed browsing and a better rendering engine. I prefer Mozilla because it is so much more useful. I myself don't care whether the download is 10 MB or 3 MB, even when I still had dialup. The Mozilla website even has Firefox as the main center point of interest, with Mozilla/Thunderbird/Bugzilla/etc. pushed down to the bottom. Firefox is a very bare-bones browser, I'm not very comfortable with it.

    Nonetheless, Firefox/Mozilla in general shall replace IE, and I'm not going to try to stop anything that benefits it. But the above is my opinion, feel free to disagree.

    Many people (me included) use FireFox BECAUSE it is so bare bones, not in spite of it. My web browser is my web browser. I don't need integrated messengers and mail clients. I have messengers and mail clients for those, which do a much better job at their respective tasks. FireFox IS more useful to most hardcore users then Mozilla. I difinitley don't want such a heavy weight browser, and I know money others who are in the same boat as me.

    To say FireFox is less useful then Mozilla is really missing the point in my mind. FireFox is the most useful browser PERIOD for what its meant to be used for, which is shockingly enough browsing web sites (thus the term web browser). It's fast, super light weight and stays out of my way. I like that. Software that gets in my way is useless to me.

  8. Klass, you are missing a major statistic though: 80% of the internet using populous is english speaking, or can at least speak english well enough to read and write it. While I agree that not having easier access to language packs will hurt FireFox in the long run, I am sure the developers have a plan to fix the problem long before that happens. I think the 'Spread FireFox' campaign is a great move on their part. It's time to break people free of IE, and FireFox is difinitely in a position to do that. It's only beta, yet still more stable and secure then IE. Go figure.

    I think you are over estimating the average users will to install a new browser. You say they are targeting the average user, but are they? Most 'average users' I know would have no clue how to install a new browser, nor would they want to. The campaign is still very much targeted at geeks. I know several super geeks who still haven't switched over to FireFox, and I am sure there are more out there.

  9. There is no such thing as HTML 'if' statements, HTML isn't a programming language, it's a markup language. Those comments are probably being generated by a server side script, or a server side script is interpreting them. I don't know of any browser that supports that kind of branching logic on the client side (besides in JavaScript of course).

  10. You also couldn't fly a plane completely around a flat world, which has been done several times in recent memory.

    Geez, I swear you would think we lived in the 1600's, all these people saying the earth is flat. I think we are past that folks....

  11. Ahh, when Avril Levigne ends up in the top-50 of the "Greatest Canadians" of all time, doesn't that say all you need to know about Canada?

    Oh, and for the daft...I am playing ;) I love Canada, love to vacation there....Canadian people have always been cool as @#$% to me...and they love our money, eh? :P

  12. people also get smarter with hacking techniques. it won't end.

    Over 90% of identity theft has nothing to do with 'hacking'. It's all very brute force and terribly easy to prevent if you know the dangers. For instance, over 25% of identity theft happens when people hand their credit cards to service people (waiters, cashiers, etc). It's terribly easy for some people to remember your card, number and address if you show them your license!

    Credit card number databases are NOT connected to the outside world to even be hacked, as defined by laws that prevent them from being linked to the outside world. The only 'hacking' that can go on is if you

    a) Have a key logger on your system and buy something online

    ;) Buy something online from an insecure or unknown site

    c) Use one of those corner store ATM's (or any ATM not directly maintained by your bank, or another reputable bank)

    d) Not pay attention when you are waving around your card in front of people (consider this 'hacking' reality :P)

    Hate to break this to everyone, but identity theft is almost ALWAYS a result of the victim not properly securing and handling their cards. Oh, and another random figure: 50% of all identity theft is commited by family and close friends.

    Some food for thought :P

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