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  1. great :-)) firework for the hints :-)) Quote Maybe it's caused because it can't read the default hotkey configuration file. Usually it's located at binaries/data/config/*.*, if not see below. [Click and drag to move] That was the point. I didn't have a default config. In the wiki is one listed at: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/browser/ps/trunk/binaries/data/config/default.cfg at the lower end is a button Download in other formats: Plain Text with that i could save it as /home/spot/.config/0ad/config/default.cfg # spot is the username who starts 0ad Teststart of the game, i don't see moving Tree leaves, I see a great area, a house, 2 women in front, I could sent them to the bushes .... allll gooood I use the mouse scrollwheel, the game zooms in and out :-))) I go to download mods and got a list of available mods for download :-))) Great Thanks again Eastler
  2. great :-)) firework for the hints :-)) That was the point. I didn't have a default config. in the wiki is one listed at: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/browser/ps/trunk/binaries/data/config/default.cfg
  3. I have downloaded 0ad_0.0.26-0ubuntu0.20.04.1~wfg1_amd64.deb and 0ad-data_0.0.26-0ubuntu0.1~wfg1_all.deb extracted an copied at the needed places in system (Puppy Linux Fossa, build out of packets from ubuntu-fossa) With first starts, I found, there are directories missing, added them to system (~/.config etc.). Now the game starts, I can click into the learning-tutorial. There seems something missing. - The Viewpoint/camera is in mid of a bush or tree, the only things i can see are moving Tree leaves. trying lots of keys on the keyboard, nothing changes, neither zoom nor position of the camera. look in Hotkeys config, there shows nothing is defined. Had tried to set the +key for zoom out, succesful set that, but with press the + nothing happens. the tooltips on some buttons say 'unused hotkey' before the helping tooltiptext When I try to open the online-game-site (play0ad) out of the mainwindow, there comes the info "profil firefox not found" When try to download mods there comes: Assertion failed: "0 && "Failed to decode base64 public key. Please fix your configuration or mod.io will be unusable."" Location: ModIo.cpp:138 (ModIo) my thoughts: PuppyLinux is normaly a only root user system. But I can change user with su newusername. Puppy comes with some example-code how to change user. On that way I had succesed in starting 0ad. I think, additionally to the added directories (with change owner of them to the username), there are more saveplaces to create and/or chown of them to the 0ad starting user, but I can't get hints to them, nothing in log files or error messages. Or the 0ad-starting user should get member of some usergroups, to get more privileges in the system. MyQuestions are: 1) what files seems to be missing/seems to have wrong permissions, so that the cursorkeys and mousekeys for move / zoom in/out won't work ? 2) while try download mod-files comes "Assertion failed: "0 && "Failed to decode base64 public key" what do you mean is the error? Assertion from 0 or 'decode base64' is there also a file not in system/has a file wrong permissions, which results in 0 or isn't the user not allowed to decode base64 public key. Thanks for your help Eastler
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