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  1. Maybe it's because I didn't reboot after the update/upgrade.
  2. FOUND THE SOLUTION! For future reference, when you get a D-BUS error, simply run this command It worked for me and I can now play the game again Starting the game from terminal is what led me to find the solution. Big thanks to you Hyperion!
  3. Did it and: 0ad TIMER| InitVfs: 818.648 us FILES| Main log written to '/home/moi/.config/0ad/logs/mainlog.html' FILES| Interesting log written to '/home/moi/.config/0ad/logs/interestinglog.html' TIMER| CONFIG_Init: 71.1337 ms Sound: AlcInit success, using OpenAL Soft dbus[5311]: D-Bus library appears to be incorrectly set up: see the manual page for dbus-uuidgen to correct this issue. (Failed to open "/var/lib/dbus/machine-id": No such file or directory; Failed to open "/etc/machine-id": No such file or directory) D-Bus not built with -rdynamic so unable to print a backtrace Aborted (core dumped) I did some research then ran dbus-uuidgen the result showed me a long code, but the game still won't start.
  4. Hi, I'm on Linux Xubuntu and 0 a.d. was running fine until I just did the sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade. The game won't start whatever I'm doing. - All icons in my launch bar are working just fine, but the one for 0ad - I clicked on the launcher in the toolbar and nothing happens. - I checked the path for the launcher and it's: /usr/games/0ad - I went to that folder and I have two files: usr/game/Oad (327bytes) usr/game/pyrogenesis (6.0MiB) - 0ad file contains: #!/bin/sh pyrogenesis=$(which pyrogenesis 2> /dev/null) if [ -x "$pyrogenesis" ] ; then "$pyrogenesis" "$@" elif [ -x /usr/games/pyrogenesis ] ; then # Fallback in case /usr/games is not in $PATH; see #679033 and LP: #1380737 /usr/games/pyrogenesis "$@" else echo "Error: pyrogenesis not found in ($PATH)" exit 1 fi - I clicked directly on pyrogenesis and nothing happens - I right-clicked on it then selected "execute" and still nothing. - In the folder usr/share/applications/ I have the file 0ad.desktop That doesn't work - The content of 0ad.desktop is: [Desktop Entry] Version=1.4 Name=0 A.D. Exec=0ad %F Icon=0ad Terminal=false MimeType=application/x-pyromod+zip; Type=Application Categories=Game;StrategyGame; # Use the most powerful GPU available by default (i.e. a dedicated Nvidia or AMD card instead of the integrated Intel card) PrefersNonDefaultGPU=true Comment=A real-time strategy game of ancient warfare Comment[de]=Ein Echtzeitstrategiespiel, das die Kriegsführung der Antike behandelt Comment[es]=Un juego de estrategia en tiempo real de guerra antigua Comment[fr]=Un jeu de statégie militaire en temps réel dans l'Antiquité Comment[it]=Videogioco strategico in tempo reale di guerre antiche Comment[nl]=Een real-time strategie spel over oorlog van de oudheid Comment[pl]=Gra strategiczna czasu rzeczywistego o wojnach starożytnych Comment[pt_BR]=Um jogo em tempo real de guerra antiga Comment[ru]=Игра в жанре исторической стратегии в реальном времени Keywords=RTS;Real-Time Strategy;Economic Simulation Game;History;Warfare;Infantry;Cavalry;Siege Engines;Fortress;Celtics;Hellenes;Athenians;Britons;Carthaginians;Gauls;Iberians;Macedonians;Mauryas;Persians;Ptolemies;Romans;Seleucids;Spartans; Actions=Atlas; [Desktop Action Atlas] Name=Atlas Map Editor Exec=0ad -editor GAME DATA PATH I checked and don't have the folder ~/.local/share/0ad/ as indicated on the website (https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GameDataPaths#Linux). However, I have many 0ad files at ~/.local/share/games/0ad/ SHARED I checked and don't have the folder ~/.local/share/0ad/ as indicated on the website (https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GameDataPaths#Linux). However, I have many 0ad files at ~/.local/share/games/0ad/ CONFIG ~/.config/0ad/ I have two folders: config and logs. In config I have user.cfg (~/.config/0ad/config/user.cfg). i looked into the file and everything seems perfect. My gamaing name and settings are fine. What can I do to fix the game??
  5. I just heard about the leadership change so I think it's time to bring some points on the table. I may get flak for that, but avoiding the reality never improves things. So let's start: 0a.d. is a joke among the gaming developers community. No game has ever been in Alpha mode for so long. No game perpetuated bugs over and over all updates. One good example of that is when pressing and holding the mouse to drag around and select troops. We often have troops in that selection that are no longer there! What a major annoyance! And let's talk about the difficulty to garrison troops in a tower when there are plenty of enemies around. Sometimes it's also hard when there's no troops, but trees, etc.. But yet, we see announcements like "Vulcans!". Just stop adding features and fix the bugs once and for all! Another perfect example of things that shouldn't be: I recently did the update then upgrade of my Linux laptop and it automatically updated 0a.d. No problem with that, BUT it also deleted all my saved games and removed the map I was playing on before that update. WHAT THE HECK!? Another stupid bug are the .... doing whatever THEY want. You try to move them away, but no, they just stop and attack! This whatever the settings are for those troops. And why there isn't a document telling people what troops do what depending on the situation? Like, are there better troops to garrison the towers or do they all have the same effect? I had to ask around about the females vs the towers to find out they help prevent capture, but doesn't add anything. But what about the other troops? Is there one better for the towers? The list is VERY long. All those things shouldn't be, and that's why it's frustrating, and why many who could get involved to help, don't want to. If you want this to work, you must have a team to review EVERYTHING done so far. Set a list of all bugs, then start working on it. And in the mean time, STOP adding stuff! A good leadership is one able to deal with that. Something that hasn't be done the way it should have been so far. Sorry, but the truth had to be said...
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