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  1. ok, i solved this problem but now when i run make i get another error Generating test root file /home/user/0ad/libraries/source/cxxtest-4.4/bin/cxxtestgen --root --include=precompiled.h --runner=ErrorPrinter -o /home/user/0ad/source/test_root.cpp /usr/bin/env: "python": File or directory does not exist make[1]: *** [cxxtestroot.make:36: ../../../binaries/system/cxxtestroot] Error 127 make: *** [Makefile:199: cxxtestroot] Error 2 EDIT: For those who need: to fix the cxxtest build failed error run git status and then use git restore to add the missing paths that git status reported.
  2. I after i executed clean-source-libs.sh and then build-source-libs.sh i get cxxtest build failed. Can someone help me?
  3. When i wrote that the game runs fine i was referring to another issue that i had, sorry if i wasn't clear.
  4. I tried using git clone instead of downloading the zip and now the game runs fine.
  5. Hi i'm on linux and i got the source code from gitea. I run: libraries/build-source-libs.sh --with-system-nvtt cd 0ad/build/workspaces ./update-workspaces.sh cd gcc make Everything went ok but then i run the test and i get: Function call failed: return value was -100101 (Case 1) Location: tex.cpp:628 (get_data) If i try to run the game i get a different error Function call failed: return value was -100032 (Function not supported) Location: ogg.cpp:240 (Open) Pics: Running test. Trying to run 0ad. Can someone help pleeease?
  6. no i don't mean that, i mean auto-train it is mentioned in this video at 1:50 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvujIZLBeTg&t=178s
  7. I want to spawn units like a mother@#$%er without my queue getting interrupted by lack of resources, i'm already familiar with autociv but i don't know how to enable autotrain and how to stop the queue once started.
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