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Posts posted by digimars

  1. It looks like the default settings for the 'games' project on the OpenSUSE Build Service was changed to not include Fedora. I've changed the '0ad'/'0ad-data' packages to re-enable Fedora - hopefully that'll work fine and be uploaded within an hour or so.

    Edit: Actually it might be longer - need to find someone to re-enable the libenet package too, before the game will build.

    Thanks. I'll try it again tomorrow then to see if I can get it installed and I'll report back here.

  2. I took a college course on JavaScript a few years ago. I'm very rusty on it, but I have used a few other scripting languages since then such as Powershell, AutoIt, and some Python (I work in IT, so I have to keep some level of programming chops up). I've done game mods before (for Quake III).

    I'm an avid Linux user, and administer Linux servers in my career, so I would be more than happy to test on that platform.

    Do you guys already have your scripting API well laid out, or is still being implemented?

    Oh, also, I'm a huge history buff, and have always wanted a game that is far more historically accurate than the Creative Assembly's series (though they are fun). So I definitely support this game concept.

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