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  1. Hello @user1 My opponent quit the game he was hosting without resigning after I had him beaten My Lobby Name: Jackus Offender's Name: Eyhok Thanks commands.txt
  2. Hi @user1 My dispute with Riddler66 has been resolved @user1 No need to take further action. Thank you commands.txt
  3. Hi @user1 In another display of a relatively highly rated player failing to have the good grace to acknowledge defeat, Auxilentmoon quit without resigning as I pummeled his pathetic defense into the soil of (temperate) Mainland. My lobby name: Jackus Offender's name: auxilentmoon Thank you again commands.txt
  4. Hi @user1 Despite regularly posting offenders in this thread, Raffut1969 quit without resigning as I sodomised him with my early rush. My lobby username: Jackus Offender's username: Raffut1969 Thank you commands.txt
  5. Suggestion to put a stop to the plague of rage-quitting/leaving games early on 0AD The Issue Hello all, after airing an idea to put a stop to rage-quitting and early leaving of games by players, it was suggested I come to the forums and post it here. I'm a casual 0AD player, and really returned to play after 4 years but I see the scourge of rage-quitting is still alive and well in the online game. It seems particularly prevalent amongst lower level players <1200 who may be new to the game or simply not want to lose their current rating. however, this has also happened to me when playing a highly rated prominent player within the 0ad community. In my experience, it usually occurs during the latter stages of a game when a player knows he//she has lost, but instead of taking the hit and losing some insignificant rating points, they will leave the game without resigning. This costs the opposing player the point that they would have won, and it is particularly galling after a game that may have lasted a long duration. As a player attempting to climb from a low rating, this has personally cost me a lot of points. For example, I played three rated matches today against players who were <1200, although they were still rated higher than me. In two of those games, the player left the game as it was clear I was getting the upper hand. In my opinion, something has to be done about this. I know players are encouraged to come on here and post then usernames of players who do not resign but this is far too much to ask. It has evidently not been effective and those who want to play casually will not do so. The rage-quit issue turns away new players from the game and discourages older players too. It often takes a duration to find a game with someone near your player level due to the relatively small player-base and one may often invest a long time in single games - so to be confronted by a rage-quitting opponent is totally discouraging. It has often led to me taking long spans away from the game. The Solution I propose the 'Chess.com model' be introduced to 0AD multiplayer gameplay. I call it the Chess.com model as the online chess website/app is somewhere that I have come across an aspect which may work for this game. Anyone that plays chess on the app knows that each game has a winner and a loser (it is free if anyone wants to see what I'm talking about). You cannot rage-quit a game and have your rating unaffected. This is not the case on 0AD. If a player leaves without resigning and the other player plays on until the end (when he wins), he is not rewarded with any points as the other player had left. Even if the player was rewarded, this still is not right as he may have to play for a significant time until he can destroy/conquer all the opposing player's structures. If a player leaves a chess match without resigning on chess.com (e.g say they close the tab on PC or close the mobile application), the opposing player is rewarded the victory (and rating points) if the other player does not return to the game in a certain amount of time. I believe this period is a minute although it could be extended to five or a bit more for the purposes of 0AD. This would allow players with internet problems or what not to return to the game while rage-quitters would be punished and the ethical player rewarded. I know sometimes players have emergencies or what not where they have to leave the game but there cannot be exceptions made for this either. At the end of the day, it is only rating points you lose, but if a player invests a lot of time in a game and is left with nothing for being the better user, this is not right. Chess.com also allows players to leave a game in its very early stages using the 'abort' feature, without damaging their rating. This could be implemented in 0Ad too, although I feel it is not important. I can articulate upon this more if needs be, but I would suggest anyone have a look at how Chess.com operates. This suggestion may attract criticism and it may not be perfect, but I believe it would significantly benefit the game an reward ethical players. It may also work to keep new players scorned by bad experiences. I know nothing of game development but I suspect this feature may not be too difficult to implement. Thank you for reading (my essay). I don't think I have posted before and I may never again as I am a very casual player but I feel this had to be said. Similar suggestions may have been posted here before and I apologize for my ignorance of any of those in advance.
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