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Everything posted by KpiTenBobZy

  1. Hi @user1 rdeprera quit without resign when is was winning. My lobby name is KpiTenBobZy Thank you metadata.json commands.txt
  2. @user1 please report this user. I was wining when he ran away without resigning. Thank you My username: KpiTenBobZy Offender: tedour metadata.json commands.txt
  3. @user1 Offender: jaxso2012 Quited a rated game without resigning. Please check. commands.txt metadata.json
  4. @user1 Offender: ashaMan Quited a rated game without resigning. Please check. commands.txt metadata.json
  5. @user1 Offender: indiangirl Quit rated game without resigning. Please check. commands.txt metadata.json
  6. @user1 Offender: djj Quit rated game without resigning. Please check. commands.txt metadata.json
  7. @user1 Offender: Hassan_2 Quit rated game without resigning. Please check. commands.txt metadata.json
  8. @user1 Offender: tedour Quit rated game without resigning. I killed a lot of his cav and he decided to quit Please check. commands.txt metadata.json
  9. @user1 Offender: Solsyah Quit rated game without resigning. Please check. commands.txt metadata.json
  10. @user1 Offender: lolope Quit without reason. In summary game, we can notice that, I would absolutely win the battle. Please check. metadata.json commands.txt
  11. @user1 please report this user. Thank you My username: KpiTenBobZy Offender: mirco92luna commands.txt metadata.json
  12. @user1 please report this user. Thank you My username: KpiTenBobZy Offender: auxilentmoon metadata.json commands.txt
  13. Every time I am about to win a game, enemy run away. For this time, I decided to report every such users because I know now how to report them. @user1 please report this user. Thank you My username: KpiTenBobZy Offender: loreto1 commands.txt metadata.json
  14. Every time I am about to win a game, enemy run away. For this time, I decided to report every such users because I know now how to report them. @user1 please report this user. Thank you My username: KpiTenBobZy Offender: mamasita11 metadata.jsoncommands.txt
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