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Everything posted by Kim

  1. I installed 0AD first through "snap" on my Linux computer. Worked for the 1st impressions, but is unhandy for some deeper modifications. So i followed the guide (https://play0ad.com/download/linux/#Ubuntu) to install the current dev version, but curiously i only got version Build 10.11.2020 (24155-release) in which snap installed Build 14.04.2021 (24937-release). Why is the official dev (much) older than that annoying snap version ? In the guide is written "You can try a more up-to-date" ... i am a bit confused.
  2. Thanks, asterix. But i am unable to find the mentioned file from that thread on my system: data/settings/map_sizes.json Edit: OK. I found that file; "hidden" within the public.zip file. I'll dive a bit into the settings and come back with more questions (if allowed) or a short report of my changes made.
  3. I designed some maps for testing now. As we love playing long and slow games, even the giant map is relatively small in our opinion. We play less war and tactical games - more trading ... but when of course are "conflicts" and "border disagreements" solved by wars Do i have the chance to design bigger maps (4+ times bigger than "giant") ?
  4. I am currently thinking about helping you - as a senior developer with my 30+ years of experience. To be honest, i would like to figure out a bit how much 0AD is fascinating us about some weeks (as very long and routined AoE2 players). I already throw a short view into the technical docs. Don't know if and where your project could need some assistance from me.
  5. Thanks again for your very quick and very helpful support, Stanislas ! I copied the both map files from my computer to the other one and started the game. Worked like a charme ! We played (and are still playing) AoE2. I think it would be a very helpful feature, if the 0AD client will copy (download) the game files automatically from the server. Like in AoE2 where also my own maps are recognized and shared automatically with all other players before starting a multiplayer game. If the security concerns are too big, maybe the server could read/open the game details, transmit the data to the clients and they could save those defined and formatted data back into a game file. Would be a bit more complex, but block all hacks or mis-usages of the XML files. Or (as 3rd idea) the server opens the XML file and checks the validity of the content, generates a hash and the clients can download the file from the server. Before starting the game, the hashes are shares and validated between server and client. A automatic-sharing-solution should be implemented, because most other players will be deterred by the current way of sharing maps (just my two cents). This ticket can be closed and marked are successfully answered. Thanks again !
  6. Tried it out - you're right. Saving the map in the tab "skirmish", restarting the game and trying to start the map again, i am now able to set the ceasefire option. For all other users searching their maps on ubuntu systems (0AD installed through snap): ~/snap/0ad/206/.local/share/0ad/mods/user/maps/scenarios/ Thank you very much for your very quick and helpful response, Stanislas ! Ticket can be closed.
  7. The one when i try to create a new topic. Finding hills etc. in different 9 images. Hosting my map (and some others installed with the game) i am not able to set the ceasefire time: Switching to another map (without restarting the game or somthing similar; just selecting another map), i am able to select that option: Where ? I am new to this game, so i would be happy if you could give me some more details. I will try and report the result here. I found the XML file by my own ... searching helped. Will give it a try and report results.
  8. Build 14.04.2021 (24937-release) on both computers (ubuntu linux) Connected via very powerful GB router (has uPNP) 1st computer (A) is acting as server (hosting map) and the 2nd computer (B) is joining. A can connect to B, but shows the following error message (very small and nearly unreadable in the top left screen): error: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "maps/scenarios/MaDa Kanal Nr 1.xml" Error is sometimes displayed twice (same wording) Do i have to copy the created map (as you can see in the filename, it is an own map) ? If yes, that should please be optimized, because that is (a) unhandy / annoying and (b) the paths are hard to find, because they are nowhere shown. Saving the map in the map editor, i cannot select a path. That makes sense of course, but makes it hard to find the paths manually. If no: Where is the problem ?
  9. Build 14.04.2021 (24937-relese) MapEditor (not showing it's version details somewhere) Loading the generated map in 0AD, i am unable to activate/set the ceasefire time. Within the map editor i am not able to find an option or checkbox to allow/predefine that wanted ceasefire option. btw: The "security check" is not only a privacy violation, it's reminding time is way too short. i have to do that the 3rd time now
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