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Posts posted by astralith

  1. If I may offer a suggestion regarding the completion of 0 A.D., i've seen other developers/modders post a progress meter or counter for their work. Of course it couldn't be 100% accurate but it might stifle all the "WHEN'S IT DONE!?" posts. Such a meter can be proken up by phases of the work, maybe even a single progress bar with assorted colors per phase (like the Windows defrag progress bar uses color to show file types).

  2. It wouldn't require too much landscape change to retry the dead Paraworld idea. I bought the game with high hopes, being a dino-fan, but something is wrong with game's coding right off the disk! Sloppy job. I would suggest copying the idea exactly but something akin to the classic Lost World or Dinotopia theme would be cool.

  3. I think a Biblical mod would be interesting. I'm no didly-do-darn Ned Franders but I do read from the Bible often (among other texts) and the discription of the wars fought during the post Exodus Judean periods (the times of Judges to the rise of the Dividic) are as exciting as reading Tolkien. Armies of giants, super strong heroes, VW Beetle size hail stones falling, Gideon's 300 soldiers against thousands (sounds familiar), etc. If I had the skill to mod I would build this out of Battle for Middle Earth.

    While I cant mod I would love the chance to plan out the mod if I could find dedicated modder to create it.

  4. I think a cool idea for a mod would not be a total conversion to sci-fi but add a high-tech faction (Aliens/Atlanteans). Game balance can be met with these otherwise overpowering civilization by imposing strange needs like having to convert units for its military, sort of like taking over in an Invasion of the Body Snatchers method and then having to consume the units as a resource ("To Serve Man! It's a cook book!").

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