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Posts posted by johnmi_ckel

  1. There are 20 people to every one job in the creative 3D modeling world. I've been working in industry for about 17 years, and I've never had that great gaming job making levels or characters, or concepts. I have had many boring jobs working on content that I could care less about. The important thing is that I go to work, and I get to work with some really cool software, making media, and getting paid for it. What else would I be doing with my day for a living? Working at Home Depot? You have to put it in perspective. In my free time I work at my craft, but it is more for enjoyment than any expectation of working at a game company.

    Edit by moderator (Imarok): Removed suspicious links.

  2. Regardless of any feelings regarding graphics or direction Blizzard is taking with WC3; the fact that it is being added to the BNet Launcher, being patched and worked on and supported and advertised is amazing. WC3 is the best RTS of all time IMO and my favorite game. This will bring many new players as well as returning players back to the game and the ladders will be active and competitive. Modern (global?) matchmaking will be game-changing.

    Edit by moderator(Imarok): removed some suspicious links.

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