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Posts posted by Mijorious

  1. 8 minutes ago, feneur said:

    The pre-made maps are indeed found in public.zip, and should be there. You can un-zip it, but there is no need to. The game should look for maps in other places before the zip though, so that shouldn't be the problem.

    I just tried creating and saving a map, and it showed up fine in-game. One thing to check is whether or not you've changed the name (seen in the first panel in Atlas - the scenario editor), if it's still the same it might be hard to find it in the menu.


    Yes I have changed the name in Atlas and the two file ( .pmp and .xml ) are created. They are in my "W:\Documents\My Games\0ad\mods\user\maps" folder. The name of my test game is "lake 2" and it does not show up in the map list in-game.  Even if I copy the files to my installed game directory.  Can you confirm the "exact" directory path that they need to be in?  I've gotten several different ones from other people.  Thanks.

  2. Here's something else . . . .

    I have searched everywhere, including the installation folder, but can't find the physical game maps. However, I just unzipped the "public.zip" file into a temp folder and there's over 2gb of files, INCLUDING all the game maps. So, does the game look into the public.zip file for it's maps?  Of should I have unzipped the file into the installation folder? 

    This is not making any sense! I'm confused.

    EDIT:  Ok, I have confirmed that the game looks inside of the public.zip file for just about everything. I mean the art, audio, shaders, etc AND all the standard maps.  I moved the public.zip file and the game errors when I load it because it cannot find some files. So that confirms it. Why is it done that way?  Anyway, I'm in the process of unzipping the public.zip forder to see if the game will read the files "outside" of the .zip file.

    I should not have to do all this work just to play the game with custom maps, but it seems that I do.

  3. I absolutely love this game but I've ran into a snag and am at my wits end.  While playing either single or with my wife, we noticed that there wasn't enough fish in the lake. So, I decided to either modify the "lake" map or create a new one with more fish

    Well, that presented another issue that has become an obsession and it's driving me nuts! I modified/created a custom map using Atlas, named it, and saved it. BUT, it doesn't show up in the map list. Why?

    I have searched the forum and google and have found several suggestions but none have worked. The files are being saved in "W:\Documents\My Games\0ad\mods\user\maps\scenarios" and "W:\Documents\My Games\0ad\mods\user\maps\skirmishes".  But my game is installed on another drive/path.  

    I have created a "maps" directory under the public folder as one person suggested and copied the files into it but that didn't work either. My path is "W:\Gaming\Installed\0 A.D. alpha\binaries\data\mods\public\maps".  Is this where my custom games should be copied to?

    Please help!  I cannot find a straight answer for this and I've spent MANY hours on it. I'm about to give up.

    Thanks in advance.

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