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Posts posted by cloud9

  1. Talking about the files added in r12515, r12792, r12454, r13764 and r12381 (and maybe the modifications done to that in r12598).

    8 hours ago, FeXoR said:

    If you notice a copyright violation, please let us know! 

    I can't be sure if it is in fact a copyright violation as I was unable to find the source of those heightmaps (or the licenses). I think a skirmish map's heightmap was deleted recently due to the same issue.

  2. I got muted for profanity 5 times by my reckoning (One of those won’t count). Happens to the best of us. Including yourself at least once.

    I did lose the password of my original account. I dont know how often I said that if I lose my hash I would not be able to login anymore. Goes back at least a few months.

    Regarding "/nick" and the subsequent "/kick", well I had that one coming.

    I have played with probably 15-ish people on a regular basis. I am not gonna pretend being a stranger to them.

    I feel like I am just adding fuel to fire. Which would probably end up with someone getting burned. So, I would just stop this discussion since nothing good would come out of this.

  3. On 2/4/2019 at 12:44 AM, coworotel said:

    Kind of a random suggestion: make the corpses a bit "faded" in color, so it will be easier to identify live troops when they are fighting in a field full of dead bodies.

    If any mod wants to do that, add:

    cmpCorpseVisual.SetShadingColor(r, g, b, a); // ignore a, that is useless in the sense that it wont work

    below Health.js L308.

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  4. I just posted the title. Although, it would be nice if the bot could identify copyrighted material. Unlikely considering what happened in this case.

    [deviation from the topic]

    I did not violate any copyright laws. I wouldn’t say the same about all the height-maps in maps/scenario/ since all (or some (or maybe none, I didn't check that much)) those were commited without any additional information of the source and may very well be violating copyright laws.

    [/deviation from the topic]

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