Position: 3D Modeling and Texturing, Able to animate as well.
Do you understand that Wildfire Games is a non-commercial project, work for 0 A.D. is volunteer, and work is done for free? Yes
Do you agree to distribute all your work for Wildfire Games under Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license? Yes
Are you sure you are not wanting to work on something programming related? (Then you don't need to send in an application form.) Yes
Name: Ross
Email: ross.harrop@hotmail.co.uk
Location: Portsmouth, England.
Availability: Currently 5-7 Hours. 6 months from now, possibly – 8-12
Occupation: 3D Artist
Skills and Experience: Currently working as a 3D Artist, Studied 3D Animation at University. Proficient in Maya(expert), Zbrush, 3DS Max(average), Photoshop, Substance Painter, Substance Designer. Capable of modeling, texturing, rigging (Maya) and animation (Maya).
Motivation: To continue to learn and improve my skillset, while being part of a unique experience.
Personality: A creative thinker and problem solver, who is open-minded and enjoys life.
Short Essay: Discovered Wildfire Games while browsing game development online. Having playing games like Age of Empires and Stronghold when I was younger, now having a chance to contribute to that genre is very exciting. I also hope to gain experience with working on another project, and other people. Which will help me to build my portfolio.
Interests and Hobbies: Gaming and watching movies are two of my biggest hobbies (shock!). I’m also enjoying a new love of board games recently, like Game of Thrones Risk and Sheriff of Nottingham. I also play some sports which take up most of my weekend in the summer. So when I want to relax, I read a good book. I’m currently hooked on the Jack Reacher series by Lee Child.
Staff: I don’t know and staff.
Community: I look at polycount occasionally but browse through 80lv most frequently. I’ve discovered tech-Artists.org which interests me most, as I’m currently learning C++ and have some experience in Python scripting in Maya.
Favorite Game: Currently it’s God of War, I really enjoyed the character development of Kratos. But for nostalgia value, Pokémon Yellow on my Gameboy. I took it everywhere with me.
Work Examples: The video links are from my student work at University, using a pbr workflow. While the images below are from ‘A Tale in the Desert’, which is non-pbr.