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Posts posted by XLightningStormL

  1. On 5/1/2018 at 8:36 PM, Sundiata said:

    Kushites will be in Alpha 23. The Kingdom of D'mt and Aksumite empire are indeed both from the wrong time-period (500BC - 1BC). Garamantes are the primary African civ that could still be done, but that won't be easy in terms of reference material, and other factions like Scythians and Thracians are a little more important with regard to the other civs already in-game. That having said, Aksumites would be incredibly cool for Millennium AD.


    A tremendous amount of people have put a tremendous amount of effort into this and every other alpha update. You can follow the evolution of individual updates/bugfixes/new features etc. here: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/timeline


    I'm trying to figure out what you're saying here? That Napatan and Meroitic period Kushites were more Greek than Egyptian influenced? That would be incorrect. There is clear Hellenistic influence, but at no point in their history does it become dominant. They liked Mediterranean wine and the Greek language was known by at least some Kushites (for trade and diplomacy), but they remained firmly a Nile Valley Civilization till the very end, with their own unique twists of course. They worshipped "Egyptian" gods, continued using and adapting hieroglyphs, built pylon temples and truncated pyramids. The last temple of Amun was built in the 3d century AD, for example. No temples to Greek gods were ever built. 

    Also the term Aethiopia ("place of burnt faces") in classical Greek literature refers primarily to Kush and not Axum. Only later does the term become more widely applied to areas south of Kush as well, including modern day Ethiopia.  

    1) There's a reason why I had doubt of them appearing in A23, it was because of uncertainty.

    2) There's a reason for what I said, it's because the Timeline + A23 Release Tracker is obviously missing content, and thus too short (especially for the feature freeze a few months ago)
    3) The Aethiopians are more Greek (as a whole) influenced than Egyptian (The Greeks trading with the Aethiopians, having an "Aethiopian" king partake in defending Troy [debatable], etc). I believe you are referring to Herodotus' map? Even then the "placement" of the "Aethiopians" are vague, and is more situated "as south" of Meroe (the Capital of the Kushites) rather than above it, also Classical Greek literature doesn't exactly "refer" to the Kushites as Aethiopians, that's just educated guesses, and ASSumptions, in the realms of Ancient History, nothing is "fact" unless there is a physical object that proves otherwise, the rest is the best of what "it could be"

  2. Aethiopians (although it'd be a bit tricky since the kingdom of D'met was disestablished in 400 BC) and the Aksumite Empire wouldn't appear until 100 AD. There's the Kushites/Nubians that are being worked on IIRC (though not sure if they're gonna be Alpha 23, since that seems to be nothing more than a dribble update, or at the least a very private, secretly guarded feature update) and they're probably just going to be used as an excuse just to have the Aethiopian peoples classified under them, despite the latter being Greek-influenced rather than pre-foreign led Egypt.

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