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Lyubomir Vasilev

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  1. Hello, I have just received a notification from the Transifex support that says that the issue has been resolved. And it's probably correct. I haven't actually received any e-mails about the file "Tutorials" in a few days now. Cheers!
  2. I have received an answer from Transifex. It seems they know about the issue and they say that: And: So, if/when I get further info about the issue from the support of Transifex, I will write again here.
  3. @Itms I think the issue has always been there, or at least I do not remember any period of not getting notifications about "Tutorials", ever since it had been added to the project. I have contacted Transifex about the issue just now. I will write here with more info if/when I get an answer from their support.
  4. Hello, I am a translator for Bulgarian. (100% translation, always kept at that) This issue is not really related to the game itself but more with its integration with Transifex. There seems to be some problem with the translation file "Tutorials". I have enabled "watching" the project on Transifex, so that I receive e-mail notifications whenever there is some change in the translation files and they need to be taken care of (as I have done for many projects). This helps me know when I have to look at the project and bring it to 100% Bulgarian translation again after every change. However, there seems to be some problem with this particular file, and the problem is that I get a notification about changes in it EVERY SINGLE DAY, sometimes even more than once in a day. When I open the file in Transifex, though, the file is always fully translated to Bulgarian. And no, there are no other active translators that could be somehow faster than me. And I don't believe the file actually changes several times in a day. So this is some kind of false alarm that happens too often. This doesn't happen for other files in the project, that is, whenever there is an e-mail notification for changes in another file, there really ARE changes in that file. But not in "Tutorials". This has led me to ignore the e-mails for "Tutorials", which is a problem, as sometimes, very rarely, there really ARE changes in that file, and then because I ignore the e-mails, I lag behind the changes. I participate in many projects on Transifex and I've seen the same problem in only one another project. I have also tried "unwatching" and then "watching" again 0AD. So I believe this has to be a problem with the integration of 0AD with Transifex. Maybe some metadata in the file "Tutorials" changes or something else, that makes Transifex think there is a real change, or maybe there is something else. If it is easy and you have time, please fix it as it is very annoying. Lyubo
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