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Posts posted by NB512

  1. Just trying out latest (V22) after not play for a year.

    Generally coming on very well, good job guys.

    Points below are not in any particular order...

    1) I played the economic demo, and there are problems with it detecting when things have been done. The system seems to wait for the 'action' to complete, but doesn't seem to check if it had already been done ! The worst was that I'd managed to go to Town level 2 before it asked, and it didn't detect it, and of course no way to re-trigger that. It also was waiting for me to 'build 2 houses', which I'd already done at that stage, so was forced to build 2 more just to get the trigger. An easy solution would be to add a button to say "I've already done this", but better to detect the triggers properly.

    2) Whilst on the demo, the Text size needs to be adjustable. I have a 2560 x 1600 30" monitor, but the text is tiny. Even on smaller monitors this must be a problem...

    3) Shift clicking to direct units to multiple places. Couldn't get this to work in the demo, or later in the game. e.g. units are chopping wood, need them to drop wood off, then go to stone mining. Supposed to be able to Shift click on the drop-off, then on the end target, but does nothing ! ?

    4) During multiplayer game set-up, I'd configured the players, but then clicked on a different map (same # players) and it reset the colours, races etc. Bit annoying !

    5) Boats - large boats get stuck in the shallows too easily, and then everything else jams up. Ok, this is quite realistic, but a real pain, and waste of resources when you have to delete them. How about a warning that the dock is in shallow water ?

    6) Alt-Tab doesn't work from the intro screen. Alt-Tab away from running game works, but should have the option to pause the game, and should generally stop the music/sfx These are very important if you are playing the game at work ! or if you partner comes in :)




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