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  1. celtiberians were a mixture of Iberian and Celtic peoples and culture This is an usual mistake. Celtiberians are a evolution of the previous tribes and the indoeuropean firsts migrations, a lot of time before celts, and iberians are the evolution of previous tribes with the inflouence of greeks and Phoenitians. So, there are different tribes and peoples with only one thing in common, the name (roman name) and the place they live, the iberian peninsula. Their culture, cities, organitation, language, etc... are different. Because of it, if you put Viriato (lusitanian leader) as a Iberian leader, is the same that name Alexander as Epirus leader, for example (in fact, epirians and macedonians had more in common than celtiberians and iberians). I know that this cuestion can be excesive in a simple computer game, but i thik you are doing a very good work and its interesting that the result will be as perfect as its possible. Pd: its difficult for me to explain my arguments in english , i hope you can undertand me
  2. Ok, you can name the cultures in Iberia iberians, but is not correct. Iberians are only one of the several cultures living in the peninsula, and the coincidence in the name is not a reason for made things bad. In V century a.c lives in Iberian peninsula the Iberians, celtiberians and Celts, with a lot of differents peoples in each group. This groups are DIFFERENT cultures, like romans and greeks are diferents too. So, if you have iberians in your game, you have to include iberian heroes, not celtiberian heroes (the names are similar, but they have nothing in common)
  3. Hi guys, im from Spain, and first of all i want to appologise for my bad english. The game looks grate and i can wait to play it. I only want to comment that the Iberian heroe, Viriato, is not historicaly correct. Viriato was the leader of the Lusitanians that were NOT an iberian culture. Lusitanians had celtics origins, and are a indo-european people. They haved not any relation with iberians, that lived in other parts or iberian peninsula and were not a indo-european people. So Iberians and Lusitanians are DIFERENT peoples and is not correct that one of iberians heroes are the lusitanian most famous leader. Here is the link to wikipedia, where you can see the map with the differents cultures in the Iberian peninsula. Thanks for listen to me, an apologises again for my english. I hope this helps you to made an perfect historical game.
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