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Posts posted by Constou

  1. Okay, thanks a lot !

    I noticed another kind of bug playing the game, when I touch the MAJ (not majlock) key on my keyboard to like make 5 unities or more, the game freeze if I'm still touching the maj key, which  makes some actions impossible and some problems ingame. I was playing with my friend and he has the same problem, and it make us loose connection to the server of each other while pressing the maj key :/

  2. Hi, thank you :) !

    I can't find the crash dump in my game files, I tried to go in the logs of the game but there's only like the readme.txt file, I don't know where the crash dumped files are :/

    I downloaded the new realese thinking that it will resolve the problem so I did the test and it didn't :/

    After some tests, it doesn't crash anymore if I disable only the post-processing option, thanks a lot ! I only tried with the windows button but I think it won't crash with the battery notification as well :) Thank you so much !

    I had a problem with multiplayer mode too, if my friend leaves the game that we beginned and if he goes back in again, there's a save error showing up and we can't playu the game anymore because we haven't got the same savefile of the game, so it's unplayable, I don't know if it's resolved in the new release, we didn't tested yet, but if not I prefer to talk about this !

    Thanks a lot for your good work, this game is incredible by the way :) !

    One more thing, I'm French and I detected some orthographic errors in the traduction of the game, I contributed to the translation of the French game but is it possible to modify the actual translation of a part of the game of things like that ? I can't give money to help the developpement of the game, so if I can help with the translation I'll be soooo happy !

    Sorry for this long message, I think I told everything, thanks for you speed feedback and for the resolution of my problem !

  3. This problem happens when I'm playing a game normally, on multiplayer mode or on the normal mode when I have the game in full screen, the game crashes if I touch the windows button on my keyboard or if I have the sort of notification saying that I need to plug the charger into my computer because I don't have battery anymore. It says :

    "Much to our regret we must report the program has encountered an error.

    Please let us know at http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ and attach the crashlog.txt and crashlog.dmp files.

    Details: unhandled exception (Access violation reading 0x00000004)

    Location: unknown:0 (?)

    Call stack:

    (error while dumping stack: No stack frames found)
    errno = 0 (No error reported here)
    OS error = 0 (no error code was set)"


    I'm on Windows 10, I don't know if this is the problem, but my friend who is on Windows 10 too have the same problem while playing the game. This problem doesn't show up if i'm in windowed mode, but it's embarrassing to play in windowed mode to move the camera etc.

    I don't know where the files created while the game crash are, so I don't know how to put them here.

    If you need more infos about the crash tell me and I'll do my best to help to resolve this, because 0.a.d is a very good game that I enjoy so much, so it frustrates me that it crashes like that when I'm playing :/

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