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Posts posted by ulla

  1. 38 minutes ago, Stan` said:

    Some things you can try

    • BACKUP C:\Users\dolci\Documents\My Games\0ad\ and upload it here as a zip.
    • DELETE C:\Users\dolci\Documents\My Games\0ad\ and try to run the game.

    I ASK HUGE SORRY, I had forgotten the folder in my games, I had this thing in mind but having uninstalled several times and reinstalled I thought that the mods and saves and maps of the previous version had also been uninstalled, thank you and I apologize again for this my forgetfulness now works ,thank all for answer

    • Like 1
  2. 3 hours ago, Gurken Khan said:

    Hi @ulla,

    welcome to the forums. Do you have antivir running? If so add an exception for 0AD (.exe/folder). Are you on Windows?

    If it's not the antivir maybe zip and upload your complete logs folder.



    No i dont have antiv. and i have disabled windows too , and i tryed start how admin too. All the old version worked for me 

    I have tryed start editor map too how admin but have this error

    Much to our regret we must report the program has encountered an error.
    Please let us know at http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ and attach the crashlog.txt and crashlog.dmp files.
    You may find paths to these files at https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GameDataPaths 
    Details: unhandled exception (Access violation reading 0x00000004)
    Location: unknown:0 (?)
    Call stack:
    (error while dumping stack: No stack frames found)
    errno = 2 (Error during IO)
    OS error = 0 (no error code was set)

    and full log for game are this:

    0 A.D. (0.0.25) Main log
    Loading config file "config/default.cfg"
    Loaded config string "windowed" = "false"
    Loaded config string "showdetailedtooltips" = "false"
    Loaded config string "pauseonfocusloss" = "true"
    Loaded config string "persistmatchsettings" = "true"
    Loaded config string "multiplayerserver" = ""
    Loaded config string "xres" = "0"
    Loaded config string "yres" = "0"
    Loaded config string "bpp" = "0"
    Loaded config string "display" = "0"
    Loaded config string "hidpi" = "false"
    Loaded config string "forceglversion" = "false"
    Loaded config string "forceglprofile" = "compatibility"
    Loaded config string "forceglmajorversion" = "3"
    Loaded config string "forceglminorversion" = "3"
    Loaded config string "screenshot.tiles" = "4"
    Loaded config string "screenshot.tilewidth" = "480"
    Loaded config string "screenshot.tileheight" = "270"
    Loaded config string "macmouse" = "false"
    Loaded config string "renderactors" = "true"
    Loaded config string "watereffects" = "true"
    Loaded config string "waterfancyeffects" = "false"
    Loaded config string "waterrealdepth" = "true"
    Loaded config string "waterrefraction" = "true"
    Loaded config string "waterreflection" = "true"
    Loaded config string "shadows" = "true"
    Loaded config string "shadowquality" = "0"
    Loaded config string "shadowpcf" = "true"
    Loaded config string "shadowscascadecount" = "1"
    Loaded config string "shadowscascadedistanceratio" = "1.7"
    Loaded config string "shadowscutoffdistance" = "300.0"
    Loaded config string "shadowscovermap" = "false"
    Loaded config string "texturequality" = "5"
    Loaded config string "vsync" = "false"
    Loaded config string "particles" = "true"
    Loaded config string "fog" = "true"
    Loaded config string "silhouettes" = "true"
    Loaded config string "showsky" = "true"
    Loaded config string "gl.checkerrorafterswap" = "false"
    Loaded config string "nohwcursor" = "false"
    Loaded config string "renderpath" = "default"
    Loaded config string "preferglsl" = "false"
    Loaded config string "gpuskinning" = "false"
    Loaded config string "smoothlos" = "false"
    Loaded config string "postproc" = "false"
    Loaded config string "antialiasing" = "disabled"
    Loaded config string "sharpening" = "disabled"
    Loaded config string "sharpness" = "0.3"
    Loaded config string "max_actor_quality" = "200"
    Loaded config string "variant_diversity" = "full"
    Loaded config string "materialmgr.quality" = "2.0"
    Loaded config string "materialmgr.PARALLAX_DIST.max" = "150"
    Loaded config string "materialmgr.PARALLAX_HQ_DIST.max" = "75"
    Loaded config string "materialmgr.PARALLAX_VHQ_DIST.max" = "0"
    Loaded config string "forcealphatest" = "false"
    Loaded config string "skycolor" = "0 0 0"
    Found config header 'adaptivefps'
    Loaded config string "adaptivefps.session" = "60"
    Loaded config string "adaptivefps.menu" = "60"
    Found config header 'profiler2'
    Loaded config string "profiler2.server" = ""
    Loaded config string "profiler2.server.port" = "8000"
    Loaded config string "profiler2.server.threads" = "6"
    Found config header 'hotkey'
    Loaded config string "hotkey.exit" = (empty)
    Loaded config string "hotkey.cancel" = "Escape"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.confirm" = "Return"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.pause" = "Pause", "Shift+Space"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.screenshot" = "F2"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.bigscreenshot" = "Shift+F2"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.togglefullscreen" = "Alt+Return"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.screenshot.watermark" = "Alt+K"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.wireframe" = "Alt+Shift+W"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.silhouettes" = "Alt+Shift+S"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.summary" = "Ctrl+Tab"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.lobby" = "Alt+L"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.structree" = "Alt+Shift+T"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.civinfo" = "Alt+Shift+H"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.copy" = "Ctrl+C"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.paste" = "Ctrl+V"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.cut" = "Ctrl+X"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.console.toggle" = "BackQuote", "F9"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.fps.toggle" = "Alt+F"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.realtime.toggle" = "Alt+T"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.timeelapsedcounter.toggle" = "F12"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.ceasefirecounter.toggle" = (empty)
    Loaded config string "hotkey.chat" = "Return"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.teamchat" = "T"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.privatechat" = "L"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.quicksave" = "Shift+F5"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.quickload" = "Shift+F8"
    Found config header 'hotkey.camera'
    Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.reset" = "R"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.follow" = "F"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.rallypointfocus" = (empty)
    Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.lastattackfocus" = "Space"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.zoom.in" = "Plus", "NumPlus"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.zoom.out" = "Minus", "NumMinus"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.zoom.wheel.in" = "WheelUp"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.zoom.wheel.out" = "WheelDown"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.rotate.up" = "Ctrl+UpArrow", "Ctrl+W"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.rotate.down" = "Ctrl+DownArrow", "Ctrl+S"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.rotate.cw" = "Ctrl+LeftArrow", "Ctrl+A", "Q"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.rotate.ccw" = "Ctrl+RightArrow", "Ctrl+D", "E"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.rotate.wheel.cw" = "Shift+WheelUp", "MouseX1"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.rotate.wheel.ccw" = "Shift+WheelDown", "MouseX2"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.pan" = "MouseMiddle"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.left" = "A", "LeftArrow"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.right" = "D", "RightArrow"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.up" = "W", "UpArrow"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.down" = "S", "DownArrow"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.scroll.speed.increase" = "Ctrl+Shift+S"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.scroll.speed.decrease" = "Ctrl+Alt+S"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.rotate.speed.increase" = "Ctrl+Shift+R"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.rotate.speed.decrease" = "Ctrl+Alt+R"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.zoom.speed.increase" = "Ctrl+Shift+Z"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.zoom.speed.decrease" = "Ctrl+Alt+Z"
    Found config header 'hotkey.camera.jump'
    Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.jump.1" = "F5"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.jump.2" = "F6"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.jump.3" = "F7"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.jump.4" = "F8"
    Found config header 'hotkey.camera.jump.set'
    Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.jump.set.1" = "Ctrl+F5"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.jump.set.2" = "Ctrl+F6"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.jump.set.3" = "Ctrl+F7"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.jump.set.4" = "Ctrl+F8"
    Found config header 'hotkey.profile'
    Loaded config string "hotkey.profile.toggle" = "F11"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.profile.save" = "Shift+F11"
    Found config header 'hotkey.profile2'
    Loaded config string "hotkey.profile2.toggle" = "Ctrl+F11"
    Found config header 'hotkey.selection'
    Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.cancel" = "Esc"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.add" = "Shift"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.militaryonly" = "Alt"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.nonmilitaryonly" = "Alt+Y"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.idleonly" = "I"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.woundedonly" = "O"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.remove" = "Ctrl"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.idlebuilder" = "Semicolon"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.idleworker" = "Period", "NumDecimal"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.idlewarrior" = "Slash", "NumDivide"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.idleunit" = "BackSlash"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.offscreen" = "Alt"
    Found config header 'hotkey.selection.group.add'
    Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.add.0" = "Shift+0", "Shift+Num0"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.add.1" = "Shift+1", "Shift+Num1"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.add.2" = "Shift+2", "Shift+Num2"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.add.3" = "Shift+3", "Shift+Num3"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.add.4" = "Shift+4", "Shift+Num4"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.add.5" = "Shift+5", "Shift+Num5"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.add.6" = "Shift+6", "Shift+Num6"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.add.7" = "Shift+7", "Shift+Num7"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.add.8" = "Shift+8", "Shift+Num8"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.add.9" = "Shift+9", "Shift+Num9"
    Found config header 'hotkey.selection.group.save'
    Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.save.0" = "Ctrl+0", "Ctrl+Num0"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.save.1" = "Ctrl+1", "Ctrl+Num1"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.save.2" = "Ctrl+2", "Ctrl+Num2"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.save.3" = "Ctrl+3", "Ctrl+Num3"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.save.4" = "Ctrl+4", "Ctrl+Num4"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.save.5" = "Ctrl+5", "Ctrl+Num5"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.save.6" = "Ctrl+6", "Ctrl+Num6"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.save.7" = "Ctrl+7", "Ctrl+Num7"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.save.8" = "Ctrl+8", "Ctrl+Num8"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.save.9" = "Ctrl+9", "Ctrl+Num9"
    Found config header 'hotkey.selection.group.select'
    Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.select.0" = "0", "Num0"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.select.1" = "1", "Num1"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.select.2" = "2", "Num2"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.select.3" = "3", "Num3"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.select.4" = "4", "Num4"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.select.5" = "5", "Num5"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.select.6" = "6", "Num6"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.select.7" = "7", "Num7"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.select.8" = "8", "Num8"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.select.9" = "9", "Num9"
    Found config header 'hotkey.gamesetup'
    Loaded config string "hotkey.gamesetup.mapbrowser.open" = "M"
    Found config header 'hotkey.session'
    Loaded config string "hotkey.session.kill" = "Delete", "Backspace"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.session.stop" = "H"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.session.backtowork" = "Y"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.session.unload" = "U"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.session.unloadturrets" = "U"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.session.leaveturret" = "U"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.session.move" = (empty)
    Loaded config string "hotkey.session.attack" = "Ctrl"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.session.attackmove" = "Ctrl"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.session.attackmoveUnit" = "Ctrl+Q"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.session.garrison" = "Ctrl"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.session.occupyturret" = "Ctrl"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.session.autorallypoint" = "Ctrl"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.session.guard" = "G"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.session.patrol" = "P"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.session.repair" = "J"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.session.queue" = "Shift"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.session.pushorderfront" = (empty)
    Loaded config string "hotkey.session.orderone" = "Alt"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.session.batchtrain" = "Shift"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.session.massbarter" = "Shift"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.session.masstribute" = "Shift"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.session.noconfirmation" = "Shift"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.session.fulltradeswap" = "Shift"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.session.unloadtype" = "Shift"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.session.deselectgroup" = "Ctrl"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.session.rotate.cw" = "RightBracket"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.session.rotate.ccw" = "LeftBracket"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.session.snaptoedges" = "Ctrl"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.session.toggledefaultformation" = (empty)
    Loaded config string "hotkey.session.flare" = "K"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.session.flareactivate" = (empty)
    Loaded config string "hotkey.session.showstatusbars" = "Tab"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.session.devcommands.toggle" = "Alt+D"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.session.highlightguarding" = "PageDown"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.session.highlightguarded" = "PageUp"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.session.diplomacycolors" = "Alt+X"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.session.toggleattackrange" = "Alt+C"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.session.toggleaurasrange" = "Alt+V"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.session.togglehealrange" = "Alt+B"
    Found config header 'hotkey.session.gui'
    Loaded config string "hotkey.session.gui.toggle" = "Alt+G"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.session.gui.menu.toggle" = "F10"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.session.gui.diplomacy.toggle" = "Ctrl+H"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.session.gui.barter.toggle" = "Ctrl+B"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.session.gui.objectives.toggle" = "Ctrl+O"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.session.gui.tutorial.toggle" = "Ctrl+P"
    Found config header 'hotkey.session.savedgames'
    Loaded config string "hotkey.session.savedgames.delete" = "Delete", "Backspace"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.session.savedgames.noconfirmation" = "Shift"
    Found config header 'hotkey.session.queueunit'
    Loaded config string "hotkey.session.queueunit.1" = "Z"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.session.queueunit.2" = "X"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.session.queueunit.3" = "C"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.session.queueunit.4" = "V"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.session.queueunit.5" = "B"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.session.queueunit.6" = "N"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.session.queueunit.7" = "M"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.session.queueunit.8" = "Comma"
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    Loaded config string "hotkey.session.timewarp.fastforward" = "Ctrl+Space"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.session.timewarp.rewind" = "Shift+Backspace"
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    Loaded config string "hotkey.tab.next" = "Tab", "Alt+S"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.tab.prev" = "Shift+Tab", "Alt+W"
    Found config header 'hotkey.text'
    Loaded config string "hotkey.text.delete.left" = "Ctrl+Backspace"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.text.delete.right" = "Ctrl+Del"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.text.move.left" = "Ctrl+LeftArrow"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.text.move.right" = "Ctrl+RightArrow"
    Found config header 'gui'
    Loaded config string "gui.cursorblinkrate" = "0.5"
    Loaded config string "gui.scale" = "1.0"
    Found config header 'gui.gamesetup'
    Loaded config string "gui.gamesetup.enabletips" = "true"
    Loaded config string "gui.gamesetup.assignplayers" = "everyone"
    Loaded config string "gui.gamesetup.aidifficulty" = "3"
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    Loaded config string "gui.gamesetup.settingsslide" = "true"
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    Loaded config string "gui.session.aurasrange" = "true"
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    Loaded config string "gui.session.minimap.blinkduration" = "1.7"
    Loaded config string "gui.session.minimap.pingduration" = "50.0"
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    Loaded config string "gui.session.notifications.tribute" = "true"
    Loaded config string "gui.session.notifications.barter" = "true"
    Loaded config string "gui.session.notifications.phase" = "completed"
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    Loaded config string "gui.splashscreen.enable" = "true"
    Loaded config string "gui.splashscreen.version" = "0"
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    Loaded config string "lobby.echelon" = "echelon25"
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    Loaded config string "lobby.rememberpassword" = "true"
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    Loaded config string "lobby.columns.gamerating" = "false"
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    Loaded config string "lobby.stun.server" = "lobby.wildfiregames.com"
    Loaded config string "lobby.stun.port" = "3478"
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    Loaded config string "mod.enabledmods" = "mod public"
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    Loaded config string "modio.public_key" = "RWTVElEmCfAMGk/jtMc2I9/ElBvoJituKdbDWqqj6D69qz2cKexU4gv+"
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    Loaded config string "modio.v1.baseurl" = "https://api.mod.io/v1"
    Loaded config string "modio.v1.api_key" = "23df258a71711ea6e4b50893acc1ba55"
    Loaded config string "modio.v1.name_id" = "0ad"
    Found config header 'network'
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    Loaded config string "network.lateobservers" = "everyone"
    Loaded config string "network.observerlimit" = "8"
    Loaded config string "network.observermaxlag" = "10"
    Loaded config string "network.autocatchup" = "true"
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    Loaded config string "overlay.fps" = "false"
    Loaded config string "overlay.realtime" = "false"
    Loaded config string "overlay.netwarnings" = "true"
    Found config header 'profiler2'
    Loaded config string "profiler2.autoenable" = "false"
    Loaded config string "profiler2.gpu.arb.enable" = "true"
    Loaded config string "profiler2.gpu.ext.enable" = "true"
    Loaded config string "profiler2.gpu.intel.enable" = "true"
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    Loaded config string "rlinterface.address" = ""
    Found config header 'sound'
    Loaded config string "sound.mastergain" = "0.9"
    Loaded config string "sound.musicgain" = "0.2"
    Loaded config string "sound.ambientgain" = "0.6"
    Loaded config string "sound.actiongain" = "0.7"
    Loaded config string "sound.uigain" = "0.7"
    Loaded config string "sound.mindistance" = "1"
    Loaded config string "sound.maxdistance" = "350"
    Loaded config string "sound.maxstereoangle" = "0.62"
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    Loaded config string "sound.notify.nick" = "true"
    Loaded config string "sound.notify.gamesetup.join" = "false"
    Found config header 'tinygettext'
    Loaded config string "tinygettext.debug" = "false"
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    Loaded config string "userreport.url_upload" = "https://feedback.wildfiregames.com/report/upload/v1/"
    Loaded config string "userreport.url_publication" = "https://feedback.wildfiregames.com/"
    Loaded config string "userreport.url_terms" = "https://trac.wildfiregames.com/browser/ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/gui/userreport/Terms_and_Conditions.txt"
    Loaded config string "userreport.terms" = "0"
    Found config header 'view'
    Loaded config string "view.scroll.speed" = "120.0"
    Loaded config string "view.scroll.speed.modifier" = "1.05"
    Loaded config string "view.rotate.x.speed" = "1.2"
    Loaded config string "view.rotate.x.min" = "28.0"
    Loaded config string "view.rotate.x.max" = "60.0"
    Loaded config string "view.rotate.x.default" = "35.0"
    Loaded config string "view.rotate.y.speed" = "2.0"
    Loaded config string "view.rotate.y.speed.wheel" = "0.45"
    Loaded config string "view.rotate.y.default" = "0.0"
    Loaded config string "view.rotate.speed.modifier" = "1.05"
    Loaded config string "view.drag.speed" = "0.5"
    Loaded config string "view.zoom.speed" = "256.0"
    Loaded config string "view.zoom.speed.wheel" = "32.0"
    Loaded config string "view.zoom.min" = "50.0"
    Loaded config string "view.zoom.max" = "200.0"
    Loaded config string "view.zoom.default" = "120.0"
    Loaded config string "view.zoom.speed.modifier" = "1.05"
    Loaded config string "view.pos.smoothness" = "0.1"
    Loaded config string "view.zoom.smoothness" = "0.4"
    Loaded config string "view.rotate.x.smoothness" = "0.5"
    Loaded config string "view.rotate.y.smoothness" = "0.3"
    Loaded config string "view.near" = "2.0"
    Loaded config string "view.far" = "4096.0"
    Loaded config string "view.fov" = "45.0"
    Loaded config string "view.height.smoothness" = "0.5"
    Loaded config string "view.height.min" = "16"
    Cannot find config file "config/local.cfg" - ignoring
    Loading config file "config/user.cfg"
    Loaded config string "gui.session.respoptooltipsort" = "1"
    Loaded config string "gui.splashscreen.enable" = "false"
    Loaded config string "gui.splashscreen.version" = "1478828772"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.gamesetup.openMapBrowser" = "Alt+O"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.lobby.chat.input.message.next" = "Ctrl+Shift+DownArrow"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.lobby.chat.input.message.previous" = "Ctrl+Shift+UpArrow"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.Archery_Range" = "unused"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.Barracks" = "Space+B"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.Blacksmith" = "Space+N"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.City_Gate" = "unused"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.City_Wall" = "Space+W"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.Civic_Center" = "Space+C"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.Civic_Structure" = "unused"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.Corral" = "Space+K"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.Defense_Tower" = "Space+D"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.Defensive_Structure" = "unused"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.Dock" = "Space+G"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.Economic_Structure" = "unused"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.Elephant_Stables" = "unused"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.Embassy" = "unused"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.Farmstead" = "Shift+Space+F"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.Field" = "Space+F"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.Fortress" = "Space+A"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.Greek_Theater" = "unused"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.House" = "Space+H"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.Kennel" = "unused"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.Library" = "unused"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.Market" = "Space+M"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.Military_Colony" = "unused"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.Military_Structure" = "unused"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.Outpost" = "Space+O"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.Resource_Structure" = "unused"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.Rotary_Mill" = "unused"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.Sentry_Tower" = "Space+Y"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.Siege_Wall" = "Space+J"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.Siege_Workshop" = "unused"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.Special_Building" = "unused"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.Stables" = "unused"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.Stoa" = "unused"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.Stone_Wall" = "unused"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.Storehouse" = "Space+S"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.Structure" = "unused"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.Temple" = "Space+T"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.Wall_Turret" = "unused"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.Wonder" = "Space+V"
    Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.Wooden_Wall" = "Space+E"
    Loaded config string "mod.enabledmods" = "mod public formation-fighting-mod balanced-maps balancing-mod borg-expansion-pack castle-blood-0ad city-building-mod community_maps conditional_visible_garrisoning ponies-ascendant show-available-housing siege special-builders techtree tower_defense"
    Loaded config string "modio.disclaimer" = "3afe6d7d4ec92b87b757936664df4591"
    Loaded config string "mods.autociv.resetToDefault" = "false"
    Loaded config string "playername.singleplayer" = "ulla"
    Loaded config string "userreport.enabledversion" = "0"
    Loaded config string "userreport.id"
    ERROR: CVFSFile: file audio/sound_group.rng couldn't be opened (vfs_load: -110100)
    ERROR: CXeromyces: failed adding validator for 'audio/sound_group.rng'
    ERROR: CSoundManager: failed to load grammar file 'audio/sound_group.rng'
    ERROR: CVFSFile: file gui/gui_page.rng couldn't be opened (vfs_load: -110101)
    ERROR: CXeromyces: failed adding validator for 'gui/gui_page.rng'
    ERROR: CGUIManager: failed to load GUI page grammar file 'gui/gui_page.rng'
    ERROR: CVFSFile: file gui/gui.rng couldn't be opened (vfs_load: -110101)
    ERROR: CXeromyces: failed adding validator for 'gui/gui.rng'
    ERROR: CGUIManager: failed to load GUI XML grammar file 'gui/gui.rng'
    ERROR: CVFSFile: file shaders/program.rng couldn't be opened (vfs_load: -110100)
    ERROR: CXeromyces: failed adding validator for 'shaders/program.rng'
    ERROR: CShaderManager: failed to load grammar shaders/program.rng
    CRenderer::Open: depth bits 24
    CRenderer::Open: stencil bits 8
    CRenderer::Open: alpha bits 8
    ERROR: CVFSFile: file maps/scenario.rng couldn't be opened (vfs_load: -110101)
    ERROR: CXeromyces: failed adding validator for 'maps/scenario.rng'
    ERROR: Failed to open font file fonts/mono-10.fnt
    ERROR: Failed to open font file fonts/sans-10.fnt
    ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "gui/page_atlas.xml"
    ERROR: CVFSFile: file art/actors/actor.rng couldn't be opened (vfs_load: -110100)
    ERROR: CXeromyces: failed adding validator for 'art/actors/actor.rng'
    ERROR: CObjectManager: failed to load actor grammar file 'art/actors/actor.rng'
    ERROR: CVFSFile: file simulation/data/pathfinder.rng couldn't be opened (vfs_load: -110100)
    ERROR: CXeromyces: failed adding validator for 'simulation/data/pathfinder.rng'
    ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/data/pathfinder.xml"
    Creating shadow texture (size 1024x1024) (format = DEPTH_COMPONENT)
    ERROR: Failed to load map maps/scenarios/_default.pmp: File_OpenFailed


  3. Hi everyone, it's been a while since I played 0ad, the last version I had installed was the 23, today before playing it again I looked for updates and I found the 25b
    that I have installed, but unfortunately it crashes at startup, this is the log

    0 A.D. (0.0.25) Main log (warnings and errors only)
    ERROR: CVFSFile: file audio/sound_group.rng couldn't be opened (vfs_load: -110100)
    ERROR: CXeromyces: failed adding validator for 'audio/sound_group.rn
    Engine exited successfully on 2022-07-17 at 18:09:09 with 456 message(s), 2 error(s) and 0 warning(s).
    s="error">ERROR: CVFSFile: file hwdetect/hwdetect.js couldn't be opened (vfs_load: -110100)
    ERROR: Failed to load hardware detection script
    ERROR: CVFSFile: file gui/gui_page.rng couldn't be opened (vfs_load: -110101)
    ERROR: CXeromyces: failed adding validator for 'gui/gui_page.rng'
    ERROR: CGUIManager: failed to load GUI page grammar file 'gui/gui_page.rng'
    ERROR: CVFSFile: file gui/gui.rng couldn't be opened (vfs_load: -110101)
    ERROR: CXeromyces: failed adding validator for 'gui/gui.rng'
    ERROR: CGUIManager: failed to load GUI XML grammar file 'gui/gui.rng'
    ERROR: CVFSFile: file shaders/program.rng couldn't be opened (vfs_load: -110100)
    ERROR: CXeromyces: failed adding validator for 'shaders/program.rng'
    ERROR: CShaderManager: failed to load grammar shaders/program.rng
    ERROR: CVFSFile: file maps/scenario.rng couldn't be opened (vfs_load: -110101)
    ERROR: CXeromyces: failed adding validator for 'maps/scenario.rng'
    ERROR: Failed to open font file fonts/mono-10.fnt
    ERROR: Failed to open font file fonts/sans-10.fnt
    ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "gui/page_atlas.xml"
    ERROR: CVFSFile: file art/actors/actor.rng couldn't be opened (vfs_load: -110100)
    ERROR: CXeromyces: failed adding validator for 'art/actors/actor.rng'
    ERROR: CObjectManager: failed to load actor grammar file 'art/actors/actor.rng'
    ERROR: CVFSFile: file simulation/data/pathfinder.rng couldn't be opened (vfs_load: -110100)
    ERROR: CXeromyces: failed adding validator for 'simulation/data/pathfinder.rng'
    ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/data/pathfinder.xml"
    ERROR: Failed to load map maps/scenarios/_default.pmp: File_OpenFailed

    pending is there a way to download an older version?

    thank you in advance for answer

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