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Posts posted by PASilva

  1. I like the capturing dimension of the game. What really sets me off is its conjunction with the deletion feature, which makes capturing+delete a lot quicker than destroying the building from the start. Furthermore, I know this feature has been since forever in RTS games but, instant building and siege destruction did not happen in medieval times. I see two solutions for this:

    1- Disable building deletion. Buildings shouldn't be automatically destroyed. A player should have the option to attack his/her building in order to destroy it, no matter the time it takes (maybe there is a damage bonus to its own buildings).

    2- (As already suggested by others,) When a player deletes a building it catches fire and slowly looses health until it is destroyed (repairing the building sets the fire out). The difference I propose here is that this happens for every building owned and there is no special damage for freshly captured buildings (if there is one, it should be a penalty, emulating the soldiers not knowing the weak spots of the "alien" structure, but I think this is unnecessary complication).

    One can regard capturing as gaining access to the building interior and deleting as striking at key pillars (1) or setting it on fire from the inside (2), which should be quicker than hacking and slashing from the outside.

    Personally, I prefer the first option with a (slight) bonus to damage. Players should be careful to position their building (especially early on, as it will take time and workforce to destroy them). The second option requires less micromanagement and resources to do it. Either way, the time to capture+deletion should not be excessively different from attacking.

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  2. On 01/02/2017 at 11:00 PM, sphyrth said:

    Hit with  a guy 5 Lancers once, then run instead of waiting for those 3.5 seconds. Then do it all over again. I think that's how it should work.


    Couldn't the skirmish formation be used (when it is implemented) also for melee units? They would approach, hit and retreat automatically for a while before repeating. This would end up being effective only for the slower attacking but fast moving units (like the Spear Cavalry). Of course, there is always the choice of using other formations and do the micromanagement.

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