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Posts posted by AntiArChaon

  1. I doubght it. Although possible the Lusotannan culture, due to the fact of the first child being the only one to inherit the parents land, encouraged the other sons to join in rather large warbands that would raid and pillage the teritories byond the Lusitania. Their objectives were land and wealth. This is possibly what happen to Viriato, a young man (but not the eldest son) that throug this pillaging phenom made its wealth.

  2. Yes there quite good, but i believe, that in the first level you could incorporate some more Viking like units since the first Russian were vikings, and the city of Novgorod was found by vikings, the rest of the units i think are extremely accurate. You have been doing an awesome research.

    If you dont mind i would like to give a sugestion about a Faction that i believe is missing, the Bizantine Empire and maybe some muslim Factions.

  3. I am new here and i dont want to get a bad reputation, but i have to desagree. The last thing the romans are is "Non-inovative", because they developed everything from military strategy, the testudo formation, war engines, by constructing great ballistas, scorpions and even cariage ballistas, they invented concrete. They develop the naval fighting system.

    And this is just a small part of the roman contribution.

  4. First of all, thank you.

    I am portuguese and its refreshing to see something about Viriato, written by a forener.

    second and i dont meen this in a bad way but, Viriato and is men were mostly Lusitanian, Turdulos e Galaicos, wich are very diferent from Iberian, since iberian were the original people of the Iberian peninsula, and the Lusitanian were derived from the celtic migration in to the Peninsula.

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