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Posts posted by Djarskublar

  1. That would probably be it. And I know you can rotate the map, it just seems silly that I need to. I have now experimented more, and I realize that my initial assessment was off a little bit. I realized that what is going on is that the button for cancelling a rally point is oversized, not the Center button itself. I took a screenshot of a Briton CC, mostly because it illustrates the point really well. Since it won't show the cursor in the screenshot, I moved a unit to the point where the rally point cancel button ends. His feet are where the rally point cancel option ends, and setting a new rally point begins. I frequently place a rally point about where he is standing so new stuff doesn't get in the way of old stuff that is farming or something or to remind myself of why I built that particular group in the first place. Note: the issue is different on different zoom levels, and the screenshot was taken zoomed out all the way.


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  2. Sorry I wasn't paying super close attention, so I am not sure which Civ I was playing, but for my first spin on the game as a modestly experience AoM player, it was good. I do know that buying houses and a few other buildings was free. Buying lots of soldiers to do all the work will take getting used to though.

    On to the actual bug!

    One of the things (and the only issue I have experienced so far) I noticed almost immediately is that my Civic Center can be clicked a bit off of its actual graphic (maybe 10-20% of its size above the graphic). I wouldn't normally mind, especially since, at an educated guess, it appears that instead of having a custom clickmap for each Center, it appears that you just have a block set up for all of them (I haven't tested it extensively yet), but it interferes with rally point placement. I frequently place my rally point near my Center, so having the Center extend a bit up past its graphic is annoying. This is a pretty minor thing overall, and I don't know if it is a known issue yet. A glance at the first page of bugs told me it hasn't been posted about recently, and therefor probably not within this alpha release, considering that the posts extend back a couple months.

    Liking the game so far, though. It is clean and well built. Based on how well it is built, I would say it is pretty close to a 1.0 release. I don't actually know anything about how far in you are though, that's just my experience so far.

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