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Everything posted by Hog
This has probably been mentioned, but there are 129 pages in this post and I cannot wade through them all. Why not key the food resource to the population size as a decreasing quantity. It doesnt make sense that it requires xx amount if food to produce a person, yet standing armies consume none of your food. In "Evony" each person "consumed" a bit of your resources every hour, which made sieges possible, since they mostly relied on starving out the enemy and forcing a breakout. After food depletes, people die off in a priority order, cavalry and elephants and horse teams first (high food requirements), then women (food diverted to the front line troops), then troops themselves.
Ok, a few more hours spent on this. My laptop will connect with the server and I can play multiplayer that way, but daughters laptop just shows server connection errors. After some experimenting, I think the homegroup associations may be the issue, my laptop and server are in the same group, hers is not. Direct cable did not work, as I found I need a crossover cable not a network cable to do that (my laptop is 9 years old). Apparently newer ones auto configure, but mine doesnt. I will keep working on the LAN issues as I still believe I can make this work, but I do not have her laptop available often.
Partial success, thanks for the pdfs! I downloaded the game on my server, then I set it up for host and was able to connect with my laptop and join the game. With that setup working I should be able to figure out why it only works on the server, I suspect it has to do with the router port forwarding. All incoming is routed to the server as that is the ip camera command center. Anyway, very encouraging, I will keep working in it.
I am not recommending a change, I was just surprised at how tough the medium levels were, but remember, i am new to the game and was learning as I go. In most other games I have played, starting on a medium or average setting was doable from the start. Even without knowing much about it. (Tombraider, Elder Scrolls, etc). The AI player is very fast at resource gathering and building, My daughter who just started to play, is having a rough time in sandbox mode. I think I managed to lose a few games there as well , mostly in the learning area. I still would feel pretty pressured in a medium setting, if those cavalry troops arrive before you are ready you are pretty much done. I am not playing it to play "against the game", as learning the particular defenses against the AI is not why I play. I am more interested in the strategy part. There are always 'tricks' to win when your objective is to beat the AI. In particular, I am using SunTzu strategies against what I hope to be fairly equal opponents (why isn't a Chinese faction here anyway? He was a famous general in this time period). I am suggesting a little more info up front explaining that newbies like me may want to start in sandbox mode before they attempt to jump right in.
We did try the local ip first, I had no luck there, elsewhere in a forum someone said to use the ISP ip to the router, we tried that as well. The static IP was recommended elsewhere as well, just as happy not to do that, it is very difficult on this router. UPNP is enabled as well. As for the network cable, tell me more, are you saying to run cables through the router to each computer? (I am no network genius). Or run network cable from PC to PC direct (this doesnt sound right to me). I think you are saying PC to router - router to PC. then just use the assigned DHCP address? If no luck there I will have to look into firewalls and AV. So far both PC firewalls indicate ports open on 20595 for 0AD. If on the LAN, the router firewall shouldnt be a factor right? I am getting too old for this stuff, I learned computers using Z80 assembler on a Digital PDP with a teletype terminal...
We did try that, but I was unable to set a static IP, I will work on that this week. This router is antique and proprietary, so much of the options are either hidden or unavailable. Too bad you cannot just connect two machines with a serial cable or Bluetooth.
Same issue here, spent a few hours on it last night, no luck. The game install seems to take care of the local firewall, and checking that showed everything ok.The router was set to UPNP enabled, and its firewall was checked, everything ok there. There seems to be some step by step instructions lacking in this area. We were trying to connect on a LAN home network, I know this does not let me try to access "out" on the net and back "in" to my LAN (found this out from IP cameras installation), but I can usually connect remotely , from the net in to the LAN. This may be what is holding me up here. I was looking forward to a good game between my daughter and myself while she was visiting, but the 'unable to connect to the server' error was all we came up with. I am not a network guy, and this Westell router is junk, but required by my ISP, I just have to work with what I have,
OK, daughter came over to play against me last night, her laptop showed the same issue. Hers is a big gaming laptop with windows 10 , she regularly plays WOW and other RPGs like Skyrim, so I am thinking not so much a hardware issue. I would like to try Itms solution, " As a workaround, you can try to modify user.cfg under ~/.config/0ad/ and set userreport.enabledversion = "0" but I did not see that line in the config file. Should I add it? the instructions there were unclear. Again, version 20 worked flawlessly, but 21 shows these issues.
I am relatively new to the game, After starting on "Easy" and promptly getting stomped, I went to "very easy" and got stomped again. After about 40 games in the sandbox, I was able to get back into "very easy" where I can now win consistently. The AI is extremely fast, I am always amazed at what it accomplishes in so short a time. It must be nice not to have to think but just calculate. I do not think it needs much adjusting though, just maybe a note in the 'how to play' section that recommends the sandbox for awhile. Now that I know somewhat how it thinks, I can act accordingly, but the early parts of the match are still pretty dicey.
not much of an option for me, I will have to remove 21 and go back to 20. I did notice a few things different, I could still see the top 'file status' bar from Ubuntu while the game was playing, and all my quikstart icons were listed across the bottom. I do not remember seeing these in version 20. Maybe I had a full screen enabled, not sure, but if I move the 'mouse' to a certain exact line at the game edge (top) It will scroll up, but only at one tiny spot, same with the bottom. Right at my app icons , at the very top line and below the game window, there is one slim space where it will scroll down.
I get the exact same assertion fail. Only occurred after I upgraded to version 21, 20 worked perfectly. Like Sphyrth I can 'continue' and the game will run, but I lost my vertical mousepad scroll, left and right works fine, but have to use arrow keys for up/down. Processor is Intel Core 2 Duo - CPU TS750 @ 2.00 Ghz x 2 which apparently does not support hyperthreading.