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Posts posted by Trionkali

  1. I am here to suggest that the Britain +5 hero's price be raised to at least four times it's current cost. For only 50 of each resource you can have the most powerful hero in the game, a hero that makes the brythonic swordsmen as fast as horses, and stronger than the Romans simply due to speed. Also maybe some stat balancing between civs????

    As a primarily Mauryan player, it would be great to have a champ that does something other than nothing. And even with their +2 attack they are weaker than Romans, Gauls, Macedonians, and without doubt the Britains. For those who say Mauryans have heros, that may be true! And absolutely none but the elephant do anything. Sure they would be powerful if what they did what they are said to do like the 4+ special research techs which don't exist, and the empowering building thing. I still love them and I love the devs for bringing the game this far, just maybe in one of the next versions if this could be taken care of, that would be great :D

  2. I don't believe walls are overpowered at all. I am one of the first players to use the turret spam bug, (which I no longer use), but overall, one (normal) set of walls around a weak players civ only gives them about 20 seconds to prepare even if you attack with about 20 champions. 40 for Carthaginians. So no, I do not think walls are overpowered, only turret spam. As BadMonkey showed, 1000 champ deaths, only because of turrets not walls. And could that not be solved by limiting the amount of arrows which could be fired in a certain radius?

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  3. Because of the distance above the ground from which you are looking at your civilization, there is going to be fog when you have the camera up that high. When you are lower, you are "under the clouds" so to speak. This is normal in every map which I have played, and can be disables via the first checkbox in the middle column of your settings. 

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