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The Evil Overlord

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Everything posted by The Evil Overlord

  1. I hope my computer will be able to run it, the only thing my comp lacks is a good graphix card and higher than 1ghz proccesor.
  2. Please please make a script or exporter for 3ds Max r9 plz. I hate 3ds Max with its exporters the versions are so iritating, all the games I want to model for use an older version.
  3. Could someone who is making 0aD answer my question above? sorry if i've been rude and orry for double posting.
  4. *cries* Would we need python installed to use it?Because python is gay and wont install.....
  5. can you just upload it here and let us download it?
  6. tell us I can see you guys are reading this topic
  7. um what font did you guys use for the Artist and Dept. Lead text
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