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===[TASK]=== Crowd Sourced - Thracians (Faction)
Pariahbass222 replied to Cleo's topic in Game Modification
Like i said earlier i just wanted to post this to see if i could see if perhaps some modders and designers agreed that thrace would be worthwhile and deserving of it's place in game. -
===[TASK]=== Crowd Sourced - Thracians (Faction)
Pariahbass222 replied to Cleo's topic in Game Modification
I always thought the thracians would be relevant, at least more than bactria. I don't believe bactria had as much an influence, as the thracian helped redifine a style of warfare with the peltast forever changing the way greeks and the hellenes fought. Alexanders hypastist often were used in the role of heavy peltast infantry as well. Sigh i wish i knew anything about modding and i'd take a crack at it but sadly i'm a total hack at it. Idk if it would be necessary to completely create new buildings for them, perhaps just slightly edit the barbarian and hellinic buildings as they were heavily influenced by both. Unit design could borrow fro mthe other factions as well. THracian warriors were typically just wearing clothing and a pelte shield until influence from greeks set in and they began wearing shinguards and helmets, particulary phyregian helmets which were based off the popular caps worn by the thracians. So as they were influenced by other factions they could have a blended feel. Which might be easier to represent by borrowing things off other units. Early thracians look more barbarian, later thracians look more hellinic. Only unique weapon specifically for them could be perhaps the rhomphia -
===[TASK]=== Crowd Sourced - Thracians (Faction)
Pariahbass222 replied to Cleo's topic in Game Modification
Where is the right foru mto post this in? And the thracian are mentioned long before 0 A.D. They were pressed int oservice during the persian invasion of greece before eventually rebelling, and their multiple contacts with greeks caused the greeks to adopt the peltast. They were influential in many of alexanders cam[aigns as light infantry and after once again rebelling were a thorn in macedons side during the Diadochi wars. They constantly raided and attacked macedon and greek settlements. One campaign went so far as to reach athens and sack the temple of Athena. So i feel they fall in the timeline and are influential enough to merit being a part of the game Coupled with the fact of what i mentioned in my original post they could be a unique and interesting faction to paly as -
===[TASK]=== Crowd Sourced - Thracians (Faction)
Pariahbass222 replied to Cleo's topic in Game Modification
Ah sorry this was in the wrong area. I mostly posted it to see if anyone thought the idea had any merit or worth to be added to the game before going forward and creating something like you showed. -
===[TASK]=== Crowd Sourced - Thracians (Faction)
Pariahbass222 replied to Cleo's topic in Game Modification
Here is my proposal for a faction that i think would be Unique, interesting, and fun to play. The Thracian tribes had a huge impact throughout history and are an interesting and varied people. They gave Rome difficulties for nearly 150 years and most of hella feared them, one historian even went so far as to say if someone united all the thracian tribes they would be the greatest Empire in the world. Now, how to implement them game wise? Well, many of the Thracian tribes south of the Danube hellenized at least partly from influences from Greek colonies, repeated forays as mercenaries, and invasions of the Greeks. So a the faction could off as another Barbarian tribe and late game they develop psuedo hellene units. Such as soldiers styled and fighting in hellenic gear and warfare. As they progress they could go form building the cheap Barbarian buildings to more hellinic buildings for key buildings as every building converting to hellinic would be OP what with the Barbarians ability to quickly assume map control with cheap buildings. To have this coupled with buildings suddenly becoming durable would push them ahead of most other factions. So only late game key buildings such as say a fortress. As for the thracian units, thracians specialized in 2 areas, horsemanship and skirmishing. The thracians are credited with inventing the Peltast style of warfare which is one of the reasons why i feel they are worthy of being included. This warfare style completely reshaped the Greek organization of warfare. So the thracians would be calvary and skirmisher heavy, focusing on quick light troops that favor hit and run tactics until late game when they unlock Hellenization. Special units would be Thracian peltast which would have higher damage, range, and do fairly well in melee combat as opposed to other similiar units. Another unique unit for them would be the Rhomphia unit. Although not a huge number of the weapons have been found , leading many to believe they were reserved for elite warriors or bodyguards of nobles, it is still considered a unique Thracian weapon. This is is al just general ideas i came up with to represent the faction and people of thraces. They were a unique and influentional people who helped contribute to the ancient world we all so adore. -
I just want a17 out lol
Rome feels underpowered in a16
See i have yet to understand why rome was left without them? That's how roman colonies were founded. Legion moves in with civilians and by the morning a fortified town sits where there was once a field. That was just roman. Also, anyone know when the reforms tech could come into play? Saw the units in the editor and it just tickled me pink. Anyway but romans with palisade is keeping true with their historical nature and doctrine.
I seriously truly believe rome needs palisades. The romans were famous for building a fortiefied garrisson near overnight. During legion movements literally overnight. So in the idea that each game you are in a sense a "roman colony" why not a pallisade? To me it just breaks a major aspect of roman warfare. but thats just me.
This is an awesome thread
All that needs to be done is Reduce skirm cav range. Make them have to get nasty close close spearman. Or make ranged infantry more effective against them because logically a horse is a big target and much easier to hit with a bow. I personally love rome but can't play them due to skirm cavs. Ackk.
Oh i adjusted to citizen soldiers building, it's tge actual resource gathering aspect tgat i forget to wrap my head around. Too many years of tradional rts like games. I focus too much on using almost exclusively villagers for resource gathering, which i know is stunting my early game rush or boom attempts
Well i'm refering to use this to mass drive as many huntables to you as possible. One of my problems though, is i contonue to play this like a traditional RTS. Soldiers fught, villagers do resources. Hard adjusting to the soldiers can do it all
I made a topic of it but figured it would be good here too Herding hunts Anyone familiar with AOE3 has heard of erding (hopefully) Basically the idea is to herd as many huntables as possible to your base so as to not only commit resource denial but also to protect your citizens from being to close to enemy territory and open for attack. So. In the beginning micro your starting mounted unit to find herds close by and attack a huntable from te opposite you want it to go huntable moves this way<--------(Huntable)X<-Attack from here So by doing this you can direct huntables to your base, Now it takes some good microing but more food before hitting farms always helps. I advise using archery/skirmisher units to take down the hints since one your villager REATHES on the things they go flying away and all that effort is loss. Where as 3-4 ranged units can bring them down in a single volley. Well. There you go