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Posts posted by lancealittlebit

  1. i think lance was asking if there was a siege weapon in 0ad functionally similar to the trebuchet from AOK, in that it has to be packed up to move and then unpacked to attack, during which time it is a stationary unit

    yep. pretty much. I'm often wondering how it is that AoC has lived on so long while other RTS, even made after AoC have not. Of course it's all amazingly polished and well balanced etc. but there's also many small details which may seem unimportant but add up to create music. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qdVZFF-XC_Q I think the treb is one such detail.

    The treb castle war fare is often the climax of a game. You spend 30 minutes building your pretty city and advancing your tech.. and then it can climatise when a couple of trebs are pounding a castle while the other guy is still a few seconds short being able to up into imperial... and may be helpless in the time being. It's the equivalent of a goal in soccer.

  2. Is there a trebuchet like Siege item in the game?

    The Treb is really killer in AoC... it's one of those things x-factor things in AoC which other games lack. It's a momentous unit. It's big powerful and long range. It makes an awesome sound when the missile is hurled. It's a sign of @#$% is about to hit the fan.

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