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Posts posted by FraDiavolo

  1. Hello!

    I'm relatively new too, but I believe the fortress has a fixed ranged (same for the towers - you can see it if you mouse-over the little shield and sword icon in the building description).

    The other question: yes the hero auras seem to work (but to me it seems not all of them). For example, a hero (don't remember the civ now) which increases attack of nearby units by +2. You can test these by taking your units, look at their attack damage first, then move them near a hero and look at the damage again. You'll see it's increased. Don't know about healing auras and other, i guess they should work too.

  2. Hello fellow strategians! I've started to play this game a few weeks ago, but I had some intensive AoE1 & 2 experience (single-player only though back then). I like a lot, however bugs drive me nuts. But that's OK, the game looks very good still and I always enjoy playing some 2vs2 game online (some of you may know me from there).

    On topic, I'm from Bucharest, Romania with my mother language being Romanian. My local time is GMT +2, but you'll find me usually playing at strange hours (anyone remembers those long matches with local time 5 A.M. here, when maybe only 6-8 players were online?

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