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Posts posted by DanCar

  1. No, but it's not really been a priority. If you're interested in the touchscreen UI being worked on, starting on some mock-ups might give us a little more motivation to begin looking seriously at the idea.

    What do you think about an option for the android UI where player controls the AI? In other words the AI controls the game and you control the AI. Ideally there would be an option to turn off and turn on the AI. Either way should be possible to control the units directly as when the AI is off. I can define this further if people like the idea.

  2. We're working on making 0 A.D. more parallel, and your outline roughly mirrors our plans. However, multithreading is a lot harder than it sounds - especially with our limited resources.

    I think the current consensus is that most CPU time consuming part is the simulation (pathfinder in particular) and AI. I few months ago I did a few runs in a profiler and the results are here (see cpuprofile1.svg - cpuprofile11.svg and note that this doesn't show javascript time nicely).

    Thanks Josh for the info. If you document your plans, for example use a shared google doc, then you might find people willing to help out with the tasks.

  3. Really ? from your commands.txt, you've been defeated and have no more units. So I guess to stop fighting is the expected behaviour for the AI ;)

    Odd, I've never been in a scenario where I have no more units. Is it easy to determine that from the commands.txt file? Or you have to run through the simulation to figure it out? Does the commands.txt you looked at start with this?

    start {"settings":{"PlayerData":[{"Name":"Ptolemy Eurgetes","AI":"petra","AIDiff":2,"Civ":"ptol","Team":1},{"Name":"Player 2","AI":"","AIDiff":2,"Civ":"rome","Team":0},{"Name":"Acharya Bhadrabahu","AI":"petra","AIDiff":2,"Civ":"maur","Team":1}],

    Notice that I'm not the first player. The first player is petra.

    If I look at commands.txt the last command was building a tower by me, with many units.

    cmd 2 {"type":"construct","template":"structures/rome_defense_tower","x":432.3590393066406,"z":604.5962524414062,"angle":2.356194490192345,"actorSeed":50244,"entities":[16711,16402,16373,16367,16359,16204,16157,16156,15591,15430,15395,15776,16360,16161,16051],"autorepair":true,"autocontinue":true,"queued":false}

    Hard to fathom how I can do that and all my units die quickly later. I had close to 300 units at the time.

  4. hey folks !

    just an idea to share about formations.

    As they will allow an important advantage to its user, i fear that next alpha will be formation party...

    So, to prevent this, and to allow some "normal fights" without them, why not creating a technology named "battler order" which allow you to use these special formations (testudo , phalanx...).

    I personnaly see this tech available at the age2.

    any opinion dudes?

    Sounds good. :)

  5. What versión SVN or Release ?

    I was using the unstable version from the instructions on this page: http://play0ad.com/download/linux/#Ubuntu

    Here is a quote from the web page:

    Unstable version: You can try a more up-to-date but less-well-tested version from our development snapshot PPA, which should be updated each week. Follow the instructions above but use the ppa:wfg/0ad.dev repository name.

    Correction: this did not happen two weeks ago, happened last week, game started July 13. Version info: Build: Jul 12, 2014 (15513-development)

  6. Does someone have a high level design how this would be accomplished?

    Brainstorming I'm thinking how to split up threads:

    1. Different AI can be on separate threads

    2. Graphics

    3. Physics and path finding, simulation of the world

    Would be nice to have high level profiling information to more intelligently discuss how to divide up the CPU cores.

    What is most of the CPU time spent on?

    The design should encompass 16+ cores, since in the not too distance future, ARM chips will have this. Already exist 8 cores.

  7. Units are what we spend the most time manipulating in the game. Thinking it would be funner if the unit sizes were 2x or 1.5x bigger. Everything else would stay the same such as path finding and collision detection. In other words some units might overlap. What do you think? This would mean less time looking for units and being able to play more zoomed out. I might not make the horses much bigger, but I would increase the hero size or make them glow or something.

  8. About the multiple speeds, I think 0.5x is slow enough (else animations start to become ugly). We might add an "active pause" in the future (where you can pause the game in single-player games, and give some new commands during the pause phase).

    Still waiting for someone to implement it though.

    How do you define ugly? They look very good to me and with slower speed, you have time to watch and enjoy them. Anyways it is an option that people who want it will enjoy it, and those that don't want don't have to select it.


  9. Hi Everyone,

    Thanks for your excellent work on 0ad, been having plenty of fun with it. Wondering if the community would welcome a patch to add some slower speed options. Currently there is:


    Adding slower speed options has the following advantages:

    1) Makes it easier for newbies to figure out what is going on and to learn

    2) From other game comments people like the idea not to pause but have a super slow mode

    3) Some people just like a more thinking game and less of a click fest

    Suggestion is to add a couple of slower speed options:

    * 0.1 (super slow)

    * 0.25 (slow turtle)

    * Existing: 0.5 (turtle) It is only slow at beginning of game, then rapidly is too fast for some of us

    I'd also like to lightly suggest a deaccelerate option, where the game speed slows down automatically as the number of units increases. No idea what this means for multiplayer.

    Changing subjects:

    I found this about multi-core:



    You should use multiple threads"
    0 A.D. was designed when multiple cores were not yet common, and it would take too much work to program the game to get it to use multi-core processors efficiently. Still, it can be good to have multiple cores, because they may be available to other programs running while you play 0 A.D.


    A tad shocking given that arm based mini PCs that cost $80 are available with 4 cores and 8 cores are starting to be available.


    Is multi-core is too hard still the thinking of the team?

    Thanks so much!


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