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Posts posted by morogi

  1. Apple doesn't want GPL software (as is 0 A.D.) on their markets. See Wikipedia App Store (iOS) and Mac App Store.

    Even if he could get 0.a.d on the IOS market, he would'nt be able to sell it because of the game license right ?

    Thank you both for clarifying this for me. I was under the impression that the Windows AppStore would not accept GPL, either.

    So, basically, to get a game like 0 A.D. in the iOS AppStore, one would need to start coding everything from scratch again and not use modules covered by the GPL license, right? Cause that would probablly mean a tremendous amount of work, no matter how financially rewarding that might be.

    Well, I'll continue to enjoy 0 A.D. on my laptop, and if the game makes it on the Android Market, well, it would be a perfect excuse to buy a Nexus tablet!

  2. mahdi, please don't feel offended, but how come you're not even considering developing for the iPad? Forget the iPhone, or any other phone for that matter, they're too freakin' small!

    I really don't know anyone with a Windows tablet.

    I do know people with Android tablets (obviously) but most of them would never ever spend a single $/Euro on software.

    I can't see the downside of developing for the iOs. Hardware and resolution are fixed, the user base, and I mean those who actually pay for the software, is gigantic.

    All you need is a Mac (or a Hackintosh, for that matter) an iPad 2 and the annual $99 developer fee.

    I think 0ad would top the sales of the AppStore in record time.

    So, what are the downsides, please?


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