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Posts posted by AlexN

  1. Yes, I'll try it. But I think that it is more interesting to know, what was the reason for this weakness. It could be caused by changes in AI, by changes in gameplay, which AI now is unable to handle, or changes in my behaviour.

    I also noticed some improvements. Enemies usually build more civ.centers now. It makes the infrastructure more robust. However, in one scenario they built a civ.center within the firing range of my tower. Their building was immediately destroyed. And they repeated the attempt more than 100 times with the same result. I think that a good AI should keep a track of such events.

  2. I am playing a lot now, and it seems to me that AI in ver.15 is weaker than it was in ver.14.

    What I noticed:

    *Units in city do not even attempt to resist.

    *Enemy tries to attack one or two times, after this becomes passive.

    *Invasion armies are smaller

    *Catapults meets no resistance at all

    Maybe I've found a sort of general strategy flaw, e.g. my side develop better army and A.I. intentionaly decides to give up.

    Also I noticed that in ver.15 I can win with less resources than enemy has.


    Also, you have to look at a unit's "health" stats in a different light. "Health" in a game like this doesn't strictly mean how healthy that unit is, it's more abstract than that.


    Yes, I know it. And the integral "health" of a group of units is even more complicated subject. If, for example, two equal groups are fighting and gets 10% damage each, it does not mean that they have equal chances to win and that they will have 99% damage when finished. It depends on the "health" distribution among units.

    This stat is generally misleading.


    If you do not agree, I'm curious to learn why not? How would you see the priest's role?


    It is not that I disagree. It's a tradition. I was curious to learn why yes. I see no obvious reason to assign healer abilities to priests. Somehow it became a tradition nevertheless.

    Isn't it more natural for priests to increase luck or courage of units? Which they really did.

  5. Just curious. Who and when first thought of priests as healers? This never happened in history. Priests participated in battles, but only for doing divination and asking gods for help. They never (until 19 century) acted as healers.

    Is there a possibility for a more realistic functioning of the priests?

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  6. Are walls useful in any way? At the beginning I found out that enemies can easily find their way around walls.

    After some playing I found a kind of tactics that prevents attacks.

    Place some towers around your center in a positions where they will be able to shoot over the wall. Then build the wall. It is good to use natural obstacles, like hills or map edges. You can start doing this at stage 2. After transition to stage 3

    you will have a wall and some space outside of it.

    Now the most important part. Build short sections of wall going outside from the main wall. Like this: _|___|__|___

    Build several towers in these "paddocks". AI can not deal with this design. They see wall, they start crushing it. But they

    do not realize that this wall does not actually block their way. It is just the nearest wall in the town.

    Also it looks like AI has difficulties in finding way around a wall like this.

    While they are doing this useless work on useless walls, towers and archers can eliminate them.

    It is possible to rebuild walls between attacks. It is also possible to build stores or farms inside these outside sections. One or two could be lost.

    Can you share your experience with city design?


    As Scythians lived in special tents called yurts, their civ center and/or houses could be yurts.

    Yurts as other tents need to be set up, so maybe this could work the same way as catapults and ballistas do now.


    Exactly what I thought about. Unfold a yurt and build other units there, fold it and move it anywhere. The interesting question is: can yurts be placed within borders of another civilization?


    Ancient Latin (classic) is not same as Medieval Latin.

    And Greek neither.

    And actor voice tone and acting is not same only if are speaking out from the context.

    Definitely. However, I'm not sure if people from Forvo are speaking Medieval Latin or modern or classic.

    One thing I can say is if something could be done in not so perfect way, it does not mean it should not be done at all.

  9. Existing unit voices in 0AD are somewhat annoying. I understand that it is all under development, but there is a quick and simple method to improve the situation.

    1. Go to forvo.com and register.

    2. Download MP3 files with desired words and phrases ("Yes", "Certainly", etc) in any language you want

    3. Convert them into mono(!) .ogg

    4. Replace files in 0ad\binaries\data\mods\public\public.zip (windows)

    5. Enjoy.

    All under open license.

  10. Some of these, like the fact that formations don't work, are known issues - a result of the game being not yet finished, not because it's "not well thought".

    I read that. It says "Units don't fight in formation". Well, not really. I succesfully implemented the "meat-grinder" tactics using formation. It is when enemy attacks with small forces and you have a large army capable of range attacks and some healers inside. So their attacks never reach the target.

    I see that formation logic is unfinished. Sometimes the units, standing in box formation suddenly form a line when I tell them to move - and sometimes they are not doing it. I can not tell if it is by design or just a not implemented feature.

    But here's another example. There are several "behaviour" buttons, telling the unit to act in agressive or defensive manner. These buttons are in a row. So I, as an average user, expect them to act in a similar way. For example, clicking on a map AND THEN on behaviour button is something like an order to "go there and attack everything at destination". Please note, that the unit will not attack until it will reach the assigned point. I can think reverse, "become angry and go there" with no visible difference. This is for all buttons, except the last one, "stand ground". It tells unit to stop.

    So there are several buttons in a row, with similar functionality, but one of them act in a very different way.

    Also: unit description appears as a pop-up window after some time. Time is probably the most valuable resource in RTS games. Can I afford to wait for a while just to know the unit cost, etc?

    When there are 10 types of units, it is not a problem, but as I can see, there are many mods and improvements planned.

  11. First of all, thank you for an excellent game. I really like it.

    The art and music are very, very fine.

    Now to the less bright side.

    The user interface is not well thought. For example, to give orders to a unit, I use RIGHT mouse button.

    Except when I want to garrison, then I have to use LEFT button. Human units responds for selection with

    clear voice message, but ships, battering rams and such are producing hardly audible shhhhh.

    It is very difficult to select necessary units out of a big mess that usually happens on the screen.

    Basically I need to "select all units that can fight" or "select all units that can work", while the ability

    to select units of the particular type is also useful, but less frequently needed.

    Unit group behaviour is strange. For example, it is possible to build a box (сarré), but it sometimes

    is impossible to move it as a whole. While moving, units always form a long line, and what is

    even worse, they are forming a horizontal line when attacking. It makes most formations unusable.

    The algo for solving "who's first to go" problem is also not very good. I've seen infinite loops.

    Another audio-visual feature that I find very bad is that unnecessary units are disbanded by KILLING them.

    War is war, it is blood and gore, but killing my own female workers... is disgusting experience.

    Now to ideas and possible improvements.

    Fighting in formations could be and should be improved. This even can save some computing power :ph34r:

    Probably the best rule should be like: while units are in formation, they keep it at any cost until their

    number decrease below the certain threshold. Then they start acting by themself.

    Controlling the formation should also be easier to do. Maybe "group/ungroup" will do the job.

    Destroying building by pushing it with spears and arrows looks funny, but is not good for historical part

    of the game. While you have some ideas about changing ownership of buildings, maybe the following

    inprovement will look nice:

    The enemy building can be conquered and occupied. It also can be destroyed, but only by special means

    like battering rams or siege machines. Occupied building becomes neutral and produce no profit to any

    side. Neutral buildings within the borders after some time submit to that side, unless they have units inside.

    Thus the whole picture could be:

    Enemy units come into town, do some hits and kicks on a house and the house turns white (neutral)

    After a while it becomes color again (maybe losing some "health")

    If enemy leaves their units in the house, some hits and kicks are needed to get rid of them.

    Exceptions are civil centers and walls, of course.

    Also instead of killing women or other units, it could be fine to just set them in houses.

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