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Posts posted by Shadosk

  1. Thanks for your feedbacks,

    if the library is common with Macedonians, maybe we could use the same model with some adapted props (like statues and trees by example),

    the current look of the Macedonian library is pretty similar to the central buiding of Alexandria library.

    for now before restarting this model I propose to work on the blacksmith structure (in a similar style than houses and farms), if nobody currently work on it.

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  2. There's nobody working on it as far as I know. Go for it! :thumbsup:

    Ptolemaic big struct texture here: http://svn.wildfiregames.com/public/ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/art/textures/skins/structural/ptol_struct.png

    (transparent parts on the texture are meant to show playercolor on the mesh once in-game, it's the color used for each player to know who owns each entity at a glance)

    EDIT: btw, I made a library building some time ago for macedonians, it's already in-game, you can check it out for inspiration if you want, however you have freedom for the design. (Until we ask you to change things muhahaha :P)

    So I'm on it :P,

    I will propose a first structure soon.

  3. Hello everyone,

    I'm a french R&D engineer working in a laboratory named Inria, I'm also a 3D hobbyist with few years of experiences with Blender.

    I have been contacted by Ludo38 and we discussed about this ambitious project. As a big fan of the first Age of Empire and loving history of ancient civilisation, I would be glad to contribute to the artistic assets of this game.

    I recently participate to a challenge organized by the site Blender Guru and my contribution (babylon gardens) has been posted on this forum, you can have a look of my skills on my Deviant art page (http://shadosk.deviantart.com/).

    I can work on modelling buildings and units with rigging and skinning, textures and eventually animations, I would like to know where to start.


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