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Posts posted by r3bl

  1. First of all, thank you all for posting. It is wonderful to see that some of you agree that this is a good idea.

    Some of you kinda opened my eyes. You're right. This job is not going to be easy. It will take a while for a city to be completed and will require a lot of custom models. I have no prior Blender knowledge what so ever. I did open Blender a couple of times but I immediately got lost and closed the program.

    However, I will try to make this happen. I'm a fast learner and I have a lot of free time. I'm going to start with Carthage because I was always fascinated by that civilization. I'll start learning Blender today. Some folks said to me that modeling is not hard at all and that you just need to figure out how to use the program. In the meantime, while I'm learning Blender, I'm going to start looking for sources about how Carthage really looked like. If any of you knows some useful resources, please, share them with me.

    I hope that my next post in this thread is going to be in a week or maybe two weeks and I hope that by then I will have my first custom built model that represents some building in Carthage.

  2. I've got this idea that we could bring ancient history closer to the players.

    I think that we could form small teams (although one man should be capable to do the job in a month or two) that would find some sources online about what the cities actually looked like and remodel ancient cities inside the game.

    Think about it. Some guy wants to learn something more about ancient history. He just downloads the game and inside the game there's an option where he can see exatly what ancient cities looked like during a certain period. So I'm thinking rebuilding Rome when Roman Empire was at its peak time. Athens. Carthage. And more.

    Now I'm not suggesting any new gameplay or something like that, just an option where a player could see what those ancient cities looked like in a certain period of time.

    I volunteer for doing the work if you guys think that this is a good idea. I'm guessing that it won't be too hard to make it real. All I need is scenario editor, some basic Blender knowledge and some good online sources about what the cities looked like.

    What do you guys think about this idea? I want to hear your opinion before I do anything.

    BTW I'm pretty new to this dev forum and the game itself so sorry if some similar idea has been discussed before or if I broke some forum rule by posting this.

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  3. I'm fairly sure your graphics card is more than capable of running 0 A.D. My measly 6 year old, 128 Mb mobile GPU can do it :) Are you using non-standard drivers on a Linux system? Or do you use Windows? If you need help, you could report the errors you get.

    I'm using pirated version of Windows 8 with the drivers that came with the system. I tried downloading the driver from the official page but the installation does not recognize my GPU. Same thing happens with Fedora (I'm dual booter). I'm going to try to install this game on Fedora right away!

    Thank you all. Looking forward to help you guys as much as I can! :)

    EDIT: The game works perfectly on Fedora!

  4. Hi,

    I'm Aleksandar, 19 year old student from Bosnia & Herzegovina (sad little country in South Europe no-one knows about). I like programming and I love open source. I've been a part of some minor open source projects and thought I can do some work for you guys.

    Unfortunately, I don't think I will be able to work on this game. Primarily because it looks like my GPU is not compatible with OpenGL so the game is unplayable in my case. Although I have Radeon HD 7470M 1GB GPU, so there's probably some problem with the driver on my laptop.

    If there's something I can do without actually launching the game, let me know and I'll be happy to help you guys. As far as I could see from a few videos I looked, brilliant work so far! :)

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