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  1. Thanks for confirming it. It must be some connection-oriented issue. Git simply does not work. I am downloading from svn. I've so far downloaded about 700mb, thanks to resume-like support in svn.
  2. Of course I followed the Build Instructions. What I meant from the above post is that the git clone does not complete. I also tried git svn. But it does not work either. I wanted to know if at all the code can be cloned using git. I have now started cloning from svn. It is working.
  3. Hi, I am new to these forums. I hope I am posting this topic in the right place. Do tell me if I need to correct anything. I am trying to build the 0AD source code for Ubuntu 12.04 (64-bit). So far, I have not even been able to download the code. I tried cloning from git, but the 'remote hung unexpectedly'. There are about 219055 objects in all. After about some 2000 objects were downloaded, the clone failed. So I tried with depth = 1. The clone failed after almost an equal number of objects were received. I tried git svn, cloning directly from the svn repo. But in this case, after creating a .git directory partially, the command terminates prematurely without any errors. git log informs : 'fatal: bad default revision 'HEAD''. This is the command that I used : git svn clone http://svn.wildfireg...ublic/ps/trunk/ 0ad -s. (The reason I used git svn is that it is said to be resumable in case an update is interrupted, as my connection is unstable.) I also tried : git svn clone -r13536:HEAD http://svn.wildfireg...ublic/ps/trunk/ 0ad -s Same problem. The clone stops abruptly without any error messages. git svn fetch : also does not resume or complete the clone. I have not yet tried cloning from svn directly as I am not used to svn. Is there any way around this problem? Or will I have to start with subversion. I am not sure, but I have read that downloading from subversion can be huge when compared to git. I am afraid I don't have an unlimited (internet) plan.
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